Cataract - Kingdom


Apr 5, 2003
Cataract - Kingdom
Metal Blade Records - 3984-14589-2 - May 23rd, 2006
By Brandon Strader

"Dun dun dun, dun dun dun." The guitars and toms work together in the introduction track "Kingdom's Rise" with a very quiet harmonious guitar sound in the background... A slide leads into a "mosh-pit" thrashing section with a simple guitar lead repeating over and over. A shotgun is cocked, a bellow is released, and the chaos begins.

You've gotta love Metal Blade Records for getting so many thrashy metalcore groups out there, I guess. Some of the main characteristics of Cataract are the constantly pounding thrash, the metalcore-style vocals, and specifically on Kingdom there's some great production that is pretty clear and heavier than Americans during the Christmas season. In other words, overwhelmingly heavy.

I have stated the main characteristics of Cataract, though they do have the occasional melodic progression accompanied by a guitar lead which - of course - leads into some more thrashing. If you're the kind of person who can abandon more complex song structures, then you'll love Kingdom. Good riff here, powerchord thrash follows, rinse and repeat. If I haven't stated it clearly enough, Kingdom is very typical and pedantic thrashy metalcore with a tiny bit of death influence.

Metalcore fans don't usually care about originality though, am I right? I think after the barrage of metalcore bands that all sound the same and are highly successful, that's pretty obvious. Something great about Kingdom is the tone of the bass drum. It's almost like you can actually hear the hit, and there is not of that overly high-ended click that you hear from a lot of the overly triggered kits. It's quite possible that Kingdom used little to no triggering. (Gasp!)

Cataract's Kingdom is not dangerous. It doesn't try to do anything the guys can't do or pretend to be something that it's not. Also the bass isn't very audible, but perhaps that is because the band is currently functioning without a bassist! (Gasp!) But on a serious note, if you like metalcore, you'll love Kingdom.


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Official Cataract Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website