Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Anyone else pick this up yesterday? It's a pretty good slab of post-thrash. There is definitely a Sepultura vibe on the record (AND NOT BECAUSE IT'S HALF OF THE ORIGINAL SEPULTURA LOLOL) which makes for a pretty groovy mix of songs.
I heard "Sanctuary". Very, very nice. The sence of Sepultura in every riff, which makes stuff more interesting and groovy as above said.
One more thing, I mentioned, is a little similarity with Stripping Young Lad "Relentless".
Picked it up yesterday; it's definitely worthy of the praise it's received. "Inflikted" and "Terrorize" were probably my favorite tracks and, not suprisingly, both have a very Sepultura-esque vibe. All in all, a really cool album.
As for me, I am very glad that Cavalera brothers finaly found commomn language. Who knows, maybe a few years later the whole Sepultura will reune and charm us with the cool headbanging death/trash metal.
Yeah it's pretty good stuff. I enjoyed the video of "Sanctuary" on Headbangers Ball, but I'm getting really sick of those two talking between videos. Why can't MTV just switch it up more often:mad:
Heard a track on the Terrorizer cover disc today. It was....OK I guess.

It's kind of like hoping that Anthrax will record another Among the Living, or Megadeth recording another Rust in Peace...I just want them to record another Arise. I definitely prefer the last Sepultura album, which I thought was really the best Derrick Green album, not to mention the best Sepultura album since Arise...
Yeah I dig that song they played on the Ball. How sick was that video?! Reminds me of the Old School days, when videos weren't mindless.