CD advise


Apr 19, 2003
What are the real must have Maiden albums? and please don't say "all of them",just the really "must have "ones...
Okay, all of the albums except the ones with Blaze singing, A Real Live/Dead One and Live at Donington. :Spin:

But, the absolute MUST HAVES or we'll cut off your feet, poke out your eyes and pull your fingernails out one by one, are Powerslave, Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, Live After Death and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.

Best of the Beast is good if you can find it, but it's been deleted from the catalog. Also, try out Edward the Great, the most recent Maiden "Greatest Hits" compilation put out by greedy, corporate record label types. :D
"Must have", huh? And I can't say all of them? Hmmm. Ok.

I have to say that Maiden is at their absolute best in "Piece of Mind" and "Powerslave". They are true classics. At that point in time, I think that they developed their musical skills and perfected their sound, but still retained their raw energy.
Bruce Chickinson said:
You can do what I did....which sold me on Maiden...(this is the order in which I got their stuff)...start w/ THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST, then get PIECE OF MIND then POWERSLAVE, then the old Di'Anno stuff like KILLERS then CAUGHT SOMEWHERE IN TIME then SEVENTH SON...
ditto. 'Killers' is actually one of my favorite albums. I like all the stuff with Adrian Smith the best.
Or just do the "all in one" approach that I did. First Maiden album here was Live After Death. Possibly the greatest live album of all time. It will give you a good run-through of classic material from several albums, and let you hear the band live, which is excellent. As far as studio recordings go, Id prolly have to say Powerslave will get you banging your head quickest. Dont start with "Iron Maiden" or "Killers", unless you want to hear the sub-standard, inferior vocals of Paul Dianno.
xSamhainx said:
Dont start with "Iron Maiden" or "Killers", unless you want to hear the sub-standard, inferior vocals of Paul Dianno.
!!:OMG:That is so wrong! Shame on you! You are a very mean person.:hotjump: Dianno was classic for those classic Maiden moments. He is the beginning of this legendary band. I know the band doesn't sound the same now as it did in its early days, and has evolved many many times over sinse then. A shame in some ways, but awesome in others. We all know he is not Dickinson, and couldn't ever do the stuff Dickinson does on the albums Dickinson sang on, but Dianno could nail the shit that Dickinson never could. I wouldn't start with "Iron Maiden" either, but "Killers", "Number of The Beast", "Powerslave" or "Piece of Mind" are definitely amongst the best for starters!

Geez, I better get to bed, I think I'm getting cranky. hehehe. Sorry xSamhainx.
Hey, what can I say, Im a conniseur of fine vocalists!
Theres just no comparison to Dickinson, after listening to Bruce, hearing DiAnno is like comparing.. wellll, i dont want to get into any more trouble then i already am ='.'=
I also think King Diamond is an awesome vocalist, I have no doubt alot of you people hate King. And dont even get me started on Charlotte Church or Sarah Brightman...
xSamhainx said:
Hey, what can I say, Im a conniseur of fine vocalists!
Theres just no comparison to Dickinson, after listening to Bruce, hearing DiAnno is like comparing.. wellll, i dont want to get into any more trouble then i already am ='.'=
I also think King Diamond is an awesome vocalist, I have no doubt alot of you people hate King. And dont even get me started on Charlotte Church or Sarah Brightman...

Although many Maiden fans out there discount their early material ("Iron Maiden," "Killers") because they dislike DiAnno's vocals, you must admit that the music shreds, and was BY FAR WAY ahead of its time. Clive Burr played some incredible drums on those records (right, Linda?).

There was absolutely NOTHING in America in the late '70s-early '80s that compared to Maiden and other NWOBHM bands.

Hearing Maiden for the first time WAY back then blew me away, before Dickinson came into the band. (And I will never forget the day LA radio KMET 94.7 played "The Number of the Beast" for the first time -- it scared the sh*t out of everyone!)

I saw Maiden with DiAnno open for UFO (another great band) at Long Beach Arena during their Killers tour, and they were amazing!
drumslut said:
Although many Maiden fans out there discount their early material ("Iron Maiden," "Killers") because they dislike DiAnno's vocals, you must admit that the music shreds, and was BY FAR WAY ahead of its time. Clive Burr played some incredible drums on those records (right, Linda?).

There was absolutely NOTHING in America in the late '70s-early '80s that compared to Maiden and other NWOBHM bands.

I don't dislike or try to discount the material of the early Maiden days. Of course, for those who are interested, I usually recommend the mid-80's stuff to people first.

And, the only thing that could remotely be compared to Maiden from the late 70s and early 80s is Judas Priest. I once played Unleashed in the East on the way up to Vegas and my friend didn't know the album came out a year before Maiden toured with Priest. He thought there were Maiden influences all over the recording until I told him when the album came out.
smylex said:
I don't dislike or try to discount the material of the early Maiden days. Of course, for those who are interested, I usually recommend the mid-80's stuff to people first.

And, the only thing that could remotely be compared to Maiden from the late 70s and early 80s is Judas Priest. I once played Unleashed in the East on the way up to Vegas and my friend didn't know the album came out a year before Maiden toured with Priest. He thought there were Maiden influences all over the recording until I told him when the album came out.
Unleashed in the East is one of the greatest live albums of all-time!
You're in for a surprise.... you're in for a sho- OOOCK!!!
Rob's vocals are incredible on this disc. If you don't have this one, go out and get it. Now.

Oh yeah, agree that Edward the Great (if you can find it) is a good greatest hits disc to pick up for a beginner with Maiden.
Hey, something that has been bugging me for a long time... anyone ever see the boxset deluxe edition of Best of The Beast anywhere? Or am I slightly mad?
I remember seeing a boxset deluxe edition at Tower when BotB came out. Didn't buy it, and have NEVER, EVER seen it again. But I remember it had more tracks and a better song listing than the current Best of the Beast CD. Hmmm....
Yes, that was the box that I was referring to in a previous post. Nevermind that single CD crap...go for the gusto! :) You'll probably have to go to E-bay or something like that to find it and you'll probably end up giving your arm to get it.

Sadly, both albums were out of print shortly after their release. :erk: