Sep 18, 2004
San Diego
I know this is late in coming, but give me a break, no internet forEVER!! So, I just wanted to say congrats to all the fans that had their artwork in the CD! The whole thing is so wicked! Props to Linda for the layout work. I have a degree in Commerical Art and it's not as easy as it seems. Great job Linda!
Thank YoU!:) That means a lot to me coming from someone as artistic as yourself and with a degree! In case peeps didn't know, the killer piece of art with all us girls with wings is drawn by our very own Maiden67! :headbang: It really isn't as easy as it seems, I must agree! I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I volunteered............:lol: but would do it again in a hearbeat. I love it!
I never doubted she could do it and who better but one who knows this project and what it's all about from the inside out?
Our oh so talented Ms McBURRain pulled it together like she's done it all her life. A natural! :tickled: MAJOR kudos!
Thanks to you ladies for the inspiration! You are very talented and I love every show! I was just happy to be a teeny eeny bitty part of it! Having my artwork next to Mr. Riggs' is like you ladies opening up for Maiden itself! :headbang: