CD on ebay goes for $1,125.01 today. Wanna hear for FREE?


Jul 18, 2002
LOL I gotta tell you. Some people on ebay just have way too much money to piss away! I mean $1,125.01 for a CD?

Because this CD is obviously long out of print, and rare, and obviously I'm not ripping off any record label, or band I have offered this for download for FREE!

I'm still pretty much in awe that something can go for so much based just on "hype" and "collectibility"! I mean dont get me wrong I think its ok but over a GRAND!? WOWZA!

The seller probably turned a better profit on that one CD than the band did on the rest of them back in 93.
Before E-bay banned fan club cds, and I was out of work, and selling EVERYTHING I could, I was amazed at what people paid for my DTFC cds.
This is WAY outta hand! I wish I had 10 of these to sell!
I work at a cd store specializing in that kind of music and I've never even heard of those guys! The only item I have ever seen that even comes close to costing that much is a Iron Maiden- Fear Of The Dark Box Set. But that thing is really really cool. I have listed it below. Now that I can see selling for $1000.

Iron Maiden- Fear Of The Dark Box Set

Once again Maiden deliver another excellent promotional box set which along with the magnificent Best Of The Beast promo box are the two best and extremely rare promo Maiden items in the world.
I suspect that not too many fans will have heard of this or seen any pics but it is my pleasure to get this one on the site for all you collectors and fans to see.
I haven't seen this one up for sale for a few years and no wonder! Any copies on the market are quickly snapped up.
Read on for more info.

The box itself is roughly 12'x8'x2' in size. The picture opposite is the box on its edge. The cover (above) runs from left to right and open like a book. The contents sit in a black tray.
What's really nice about this piece is that the cover actually Glows in the Dark! So when a light is shone on it and turned off the box gives off a eerie green glow.
As with most notable Maiden promos a lot of work and effort has been put into this one and it is definately one for the hardcore collector.

As you can see from the pic opposite this is a rather lavish promo set which is numbered and contains a fine array of Maiden goodies which include:
1. Full album CD
2. Interview cassette with Bruce
3. Fear of the Dark EPK video
4. Mini numbered poster
5. Full colour press booklet

Looking more closely the items that stand out are the Press Booklet, the EPK video and the Bruce interview.

The Press Booklet is fronted with the album cover and this time not a Derek Riggs Eddie but nonetheless and very good representation of the bands Mascot, emerging from a tree. Inside is a four page retrospective of the band plus the usual pre-album typr hype. There are a few colour pics of the band also. On the cover of the booklet, in the bottom left hand corner, is the issue number of the box. My particular issue number is 0929 which perhaps indicates that there are 928 previous copies but since this is a promo I very much doubt that more than 100 where issued.
This promo was issued in May 1992.
The Interview Cassette is Bruce talking about the album and the introduction of Janick to the band plus other thing and runs for about 20 minutes. Interesting.
The EPK (electronic press kit) video on PAL format is introduce by that man Dickinson who is walking through Steve's garden, holding a flaming torch with the mist and fog swirling around him. He then goes onto talk about robbers and murder and takes us into the pub that Steve built. The appropriately named Horse and Cart. From there each band member is interviwed including Nicko in a telephone box! The tape runs for about 15 mins.
Why is it that Ebay banned fan club cd's being sold? I see that they still sell tons of bootlegs on ebay as well as other stuff. Anyone know?
'Sell a bootleg (we've had MORE than our fair share of dealing with this one) but don't sell something the band actually issued'...

Who came up with this ingenius thought??
Dang!!!!!! I Have this some where!! it wasn't all that good in the day some of the songs were good but it was a bargain bin cd after the 80's rock faded..Wow gotta find it LOL...
That is crazy. I always try to get the Hurricane Ep and their first two albums on Ebay and they always go for over a hundred and I thought that was nuts. This is insane.
Ya! Especially since there is so much better out there thats just as rare, and doesnt go for near as much!

I'll never forget when I found a band called KINGSUITE in a bargain bin at an FYE in Albany NY for 1.99 and I ended up getting 50 bucks for it on ebay.

BTW HURRICANE rocks! Take me in your arms!
I think it's great that a cd can go for that in this market, that's part of the coolness of having an underground scene where pressings are limited and do in fact go out of print, that is part of why it's cool to buy cd's because they do in fact retain a value and in some cases appreciate greatly when they go out of print for collectors. I've seen some of my old GEMINI stuff go for almost $200 on ebay and that as an artist feels pretty good. That will be reissued soon by the way, for those of you that have pre-ordered the remastered double CD set lol.
I listened to it and I wouldn't pay that much to have them come over to my house and play a full set in my living room.

Looks like the bass player's mom and the drummer's mom got into a bidding war.