cd sampler


Apr 29, 2001
Hey Lee,
Gave my first listen (brief) listen to the sampler you gave me. (i know, i know..I'm slow but I was busy listening to Opeth the past week, don't ya know). :p

My favorite song by far was track 9. I wasn't too crazy about the 2nd song so much (girls vox irritated me a little bit) but the first, third and fourth were all pretty good. I had a lot on my mind and don't remember much about a couple songs after that (i'll let you know...) but... I really hooked on ear-wise on one track and I checked the number. Track 9! Great song!

After a few more listens I'll give you a more coherent opinion, ok! :D
Originally posted by redblueyes
Hey Lee,
Gave my first listen (brief) listen to the sampler you gave me. (i know, i know..I'm slow but I was busy listening to Opeth the past week, don't ya know). :p

My favorite song by far was track 9. I wasn't too crazy about the 2nd song so much (girls vox irritated me a little bit) but the first, third and fourth were all pretty good. I had a lot on my mind and don't remember much about a couple songs after that (i'll let you know...) but... I really hooked on ear-wise on one track and I checked the number. Track 9! Great song!

After a few more listens I'll give you a more coherent opinion, ok! :D

Ahh! Another one to join the ever growing legion of Forest Stream fans :)

How was that festival show in Exeter? Hopefully the weather stayed good.

Yeh I'll have to check more into them for sure.

The Exeter drive was a nightmare. I was already expecting 5 hours but there was a massving traffic jam (3 hours) that delayed things to the point of complete and utter stress-ism. In fact the sun was beating in the car window, it was fkn HOT, (no air conditioning in the car either!). It was TOO nice, in a way. hehe That woulda been a good rainy day.

The festivals like that are not really my fav thing. Plus the schedule got delayed and Opeth went on later than expected. Some of the people had left (I personally think it was due to needing to catch the last bus or train out of town) but performance wise it was good. I think the sound was a little low or something but it was already the least fav of the shows just for the "fest". But it was still fun seeing the gig. :)

By the way I want to email you a pic of you and Becky. What's your email again?
Lee, ok I'll shoot it over to you when I get to work this morning. It's a nice picture. :) But what was I thinking :confused: as I shoulda taken a pic of you w/Mikael and Peter. WTF? How did you let me slip that chance away for a most classic shot? Oh well. Let's blame Stephen Wilson, ok? :lol:

That pic you're talkin about tho... :eek: I saw it on the camera & it was pretty hideous of me if I recall. Was I drunk? :lol: I don't remember being so drunk.. but lets blame alcohol anyway, ok? ..or maybe sleep deprivation, :lol:

Hearse: Of course i'll be upding my OPJ but my boss is in work all week I think so it's sorta difficult when he just seems to LOVE standing by my desk (does he luv me, missed me) but he's just been sorta "hanging out" leaning over my desk instead of getting the fuck in his office where I can do my private important work ya know! :lol:
That's the only scanner I have access to, and last weekend was far to beeeautiful here to spend indoors (esp at work!) :D
But soon, hopefully. I've got one especially-AWESOME shot of the guys. Couple showing redeyes but I don't think it will show in the scan, so WATCH OUT. :p

Oh did you guys hear...(this was so cool) :cool: I saw a magazine in the dressing room in Glasgow, and one of my pics was on the cover! It was fucking cool man. I didn't even realize it at first, (I noticed the shot on the inside tho) and Mikael clued me in the "look at the cover". I t was a reverse image sorta colored cool-like, but yep it was MINE! (a pic of Peter from powerprog). That was the first time I ever seen my pic on a cover!! I tracked the editor down and he's sending a copy. I couldn't dare take Peter's copy, he was on the cover. It was cool.
(am I rambling yet?)..
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hearse, it's not a pic with me on the cover. It's a pic of Peter Lindgren on the cover. I just took the pic.

I can surely say that I will never be on the cover of a magazine. hahah. (unless it's some opeth-obsession zine), then maybe. Or OA (Opetholic Anonymous) flyer.
hahah :D
Hehe.. trust me ...Peter looks better than I would on the cover! ;)
No, I didn't get any credit but it's ok. I gave those pics away at the time and some are on the official site but it doesn't say my name or anything. I don't care about that. I was just glad to see it and get a copy of the magazine for my ever-growing opeth scrapbook! :D

I saw parts of that thread but I didnt' want to embarrass myself by guestamating the amount of times I played that disc. :lol: :lol: People may have me committed if I spilled THOSE beans! :cool: