CDINZANE: Support Small Business Saturday! (November 29)
WWW.CDINZANE.COM would like to THANK EVERYONE that buys something from our store today! Today is "Support Small Business Saturday", the day where customers make purchases from small business as opposed to the large retail chains.
Over the years of our growth, we've built a large clientel, but changes in the market have been difficult for us to keep up with shipping inventory faster than others, stocking imports has been difficult because they have cut back and we've not received a lot of our demanded supply (order). We've gone from stocking everything, to shipping and purchasing "as the order is ordered".
So today, please purchase something from our store for "Support Small Business Saturday". It really helps us stay in business!
Thank you! Cd Inzane LLC

WWW.CDINZANE.COM would like to THANK EVERYONE that buys something from our store today! Today is "Support Small Business Saturday", the day where customers make purchases from small business as opposed to the large retail chains.
Over the years of our growth, we've built a large clientel, but changes in the market have been difficult for us to keep up with shipping inventory faster than others, stocking imports has been difficult because they have cut back and we've not received a lot of our demanded supply (order). We've gone from stocking everything, to shipping and purchasing "as the order is ordered".
Now today, CDINZANE is getting back to where we were back in 2000. Cd Inzane CEO Zane Petersen Comments,
"The market has been a real challenge and it truly has gone full circle over the past 15 years we've been in business. Today, we are now restocking EVERYTHING to have it in stock 100% of the time, in order to quicken our shipping. While in the past, we stocked everything, late in 2006, the market fell out. People stopped buying and our sales dropped almost 50%, seemingly because we carried HIGH $$$ Imports for our store's main staple.
Next: We found many customers would buy the same titles we were selling NEW, for $1 less as used somewhere else. It made no sense to us that someone would want "used" for $1 less when we had them new here. Over time, we started shipping as people ordered because there was a lack of interest in many titles that were high in price. Though Cd Inzane had them when others did not, the price was so high, many did not purchase. It was the years when everyone was looking for rare CD's and DVD's for $5-6.
During this time, CD Inzane had LARGE "Black Friday" sales blowing out tons of inventory. This brought out a TON OF CUSTOMERS, but we found many of those hunting for low low prices, were expecting FREE or for us to continue to ship to them for less. Hecklers came out and also VERY unkind people whom sat behind their computers, POUNDED THE KEYS to give us bad feedback on the web, rather than understanding we had to experiment with retail sale to keep afloat. This KILLS businesses and it killed a lot of our GOOD customers. It took many years but I believe we are beyond that and have the clientele back because our sales have risen back to where they were in 2003. We only hope we can get back to how strong sales were in 2000 for us when we started. We believe we can.
No one seemed to make money during those 5 years. So in September 2014, we are back with stocking EVERYTHING. We not only have expensive rare items, but we have EVERY BOX SET back in stock, as well as the main inventory. We plan on truckin' this way going forward, no matter what music demands change. It's easy for a LABEL to have it in stock all the time. It's hard for US because the cost is much higher as we pay high $$$ amounts for each CD/DVD, rather than manufacturing our own product at $.90 per copy, and not having to pay royalties until 6 months later, if we would have been a label".
"The market has been a real challenge and it truly has gone full circle over the past 15 years we've been in business. Today, we are now restocking EVERYTHING to have it in stock 100% of the time, in order to quicken our shipping. While in the past, we stocked everything, late in 2006, the market fell out. People stopped buying and our sales dropped almost 50%, seemingly because we carried HIGH $$$ Imports for our store's main staple.
Next: We found many customers would buy the same titles we were selling NEW, for $1 less as used somewhere else. It made no sense to us that someone would want "used" for $1 less when we had them new here. Over time, we started shipping as people ordered because there was a lack of interest in many titles that were high in price. Though Cd Inzane had them when others did not, the price was so high, many did not purchase. It was the years when everyone was looking for rare CD's and DVD's for $5-6.
During this time, CD Inzane had LARGE "Black Friday" sales blowing out tons of inventory. This brought out a TON OF CUSTOMERS, but we found many of those hunting for low low prices, were expecting FREE or for us to continue to ship to them for less. Hecklers came out and also VERY unkind people whom sat behind their computers, POUNDED THE KEYS to give us bad feedback on the web, rather than understanding we had to experiment with retail sale to keep afloat. This KILLS businesses and it killed a lot of our GOOD customers. It took many years but I believe we are beyond that and have the clientele back because our sales have risen back to where they were in 2003. We only hope we can get back to how strong sales were in 2000 for us when we started. We believe we can.
No one seemed to make money during those 5 years. So in September 2014, we are back with stocking EVERYTHING. We not only have expensive rare items, but we have EVERY BOX SET back in stock, as well as the main inventory. We plan on truckin' this way going forward, no matter what music demands change. It's easy for a LABEL to have it in stock all the time. It's hard for US because the cost is much higher as we pay high $$$ amounts for each CD/DVD, rather than manufacturing our own product at $.90 per copy, and not having to pay royalties until 6 months later, if we would have been a label".
So today, please purchase something from our store for "Support Small Business Saturday". It really helps us stay in business!
Thank you! Cd Inzane LLC