Cellists in Metal

Metalli Angel

Cellist/Vocals of KunikoS
Jun 16, 2008
Kennesaw, GA
I know of almost NONE except for myself, the members of Delerium (local black metal band from Smyrna, GA), and of course, Apocalyptica....

I need to know there are more out there!!!

Does anyone here play Cello or know of a metal band with a Cellist?

I'm dying to know!
asunder (funeral doom)

i really like cello and i think its perfect for metal, especially doom
Kind of a lame gimmick imo

A gimmick? Give me one good reason that makes bringing a classical stringed instrument into the world of metal a joke. It's a gorgeous instrument...and how is it any different than a violin in a folk metal band?

My love for metal and my love for playing such an incredible instrument is NO f'in gimmick...would I seriously have spent $800 on something that I did not take seriously?

Are you serious dude?
A gimmick? Give me one good reason that makes bringing a classical stringed instrument into the world of metal a joke. It's a gorgeous instrument...and how is it any different than a violin in a folk metal band?

My love for metal and my love for playing such an incredible instrument is NO f'in gimmick...would I seriously have spent $800 on something that I did not take seriously?

Are you serious dude?


I think it would be cool, if done well.
That incorporates more the fiddle and violin, though...the cello is a different sound, one that I think would be more suited to mournful stuff...some doom or goth-doom.
You must seek out Celestial Season, from Finland. They have 2 cellists/violinists in their band. I'm referring to their Solar Lovers album. Artsy, doom metal mostly. 1-2 songs have a slight stoner doom vibe, but overall, it's a gem of an album....very unique.
You must seek out Celestial Season, from Finland. They have 2 cellists/violinists in their band. I'm referring to their Solar Lovers album. Artsy, doom metal mostly. 1-2 songs have a slight stoner doom vibe, but overall, it's a gem of an album....very unique.

Will do! I'm not huge into doom metal.......or stoner metal.......I really dig the upbeat feel of Melodeath.........and I plan to achieve such a feel with my cello playing.
Really???? I didn't know that they had used a cello...........I saw them live a while ago and I never saw a cello...
The guitarist is the cellist too, so she surely can't handle both live. And it depends when you saw them, I suppose. As I think the cello is a rather recent (the 'Requiem' albums) addition. And they used the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra for those too, so I guess something could have been involved through them as well.
Will do! I'm not huge into doom metal.......or stoner metal.......I really dig the upbeat feel of Melodeath.........and I plan to achieve such a feel with my cello playing.

That's what makes the album great, though. If the album was Cello free, it would be a decent doom album. But those cellos, and violins lift the songs, carry them, and you find yourself pulled in, and humming the somber melodies.