Celtic Frost (ooh!)


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
I know I posted a thread ages ago about Frost but I cant remember a thing that was said (blame them horse tranquilizers! FFS!).
Anyway, Celtic Frost? Whats the verdict like?

The Frosties are the job. Morbid tales is the one, for sure. TMT and ITP are great too, but MT was the first i heard (followed by emperor's return) and they have a special place in my ear now ;) I like vanity/nem too, it's ok like, but the appalling cold lake deserves not amention (TGF's opinion too). The Book he wrote is a good read too and is entertaining. Worth the few bob like. New CD (a double album i believe) will be interesting - the demo they released of it a few months ago was impressive, if you like the early stuff that is.
miranda B said:
oh my god i thought Celtic Frost whas some kind off football team:Smug:
haha thats a good one that miranda. come on dunc, six a side. whos playing where and whats the kit like?
Damn good band. Into the Pandemonium and To Mega Therion are masterpieces. One can hear Celtic Frost riffs in so many bands its sick. Moreover, they were the first band to do a lot of experimentation with other styles- female vocals, classical music, even techno and electronic on Into the Pandemonium. I do like how a oooh is in almost every song.