CELTIC FROST - Update on Tom's Health


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Berlin - 7th June 2006

Over the last couple of days we have received a lot of questions regarding the health of Tom Gabriel Fischer, as well as a ton of get well notices. Here is an explanation of recent developments.

At around 7pm on June 3rd, Tom was admitted to a hospital in Gelsenkirchen as his kidneys were causing him a great deal of pain. After several check-ups he was diagnosed with a kidney stone that was about to rupture. Tom's pain was so strong that only several large doses of morphine gave him any relief. Accordingly he was unable to perform at the Rock Hard Festival that very evening.

Martin, Franco and especially Tom are extremely unhappy with the way things turned out and would like to apologise to all their fans who waited in vain for their set. Celtic Frost were looking forward to their first gig in 15 years and were determined to present a great show. Unfortunately, on this occasion it was not to be.

Celtic Frost would like to thank all the other bands who entered the stage on the spur of the moment to make this a memorable evening for these fans. They would also like to thank the Rock Hard team, all their fans and Dr. Dielenschneider, the best doctor in the whole of Gelsenkirchen.

Tom Gabriel Fischer has been transferred to a Zurich hospital and is undergoing a kidney operation as this press release is being typed. Instead of an easier-to-handle but more time-consuming method, he has decided to have this operation as he wants to be able to perform again as soon as possible. He is adamant that he will perform at Sweden Rock this coming weekend and also fulfill all other forthcoming festival dates.

Best Regards,

Antje Lange
Celtic Frost Management

NP: Metal Church - 'Conductor'
What's up with this happening to guys in old thrash bands named Tom? Didn't the same thing happen to Tom Araya?
Impudent said:
What's up with this happening to guys in old thrash bands named Tom? Didn't the same thing happen to Tom Araya?

His was a gall bladder operation. The band is currently touring, but I haven't heard any reviews about his performance being affected.