Celtic Frost


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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I saw on bravewords.com that these guys are putting out a best of...what do you all think of them? Worth picking up or if I've made it through life this long without them why start now? You guys will slay me for this but I do like the Tom G Warrior track on the Probot disc but that's as close to hearing Celtic Frost as I've gotten...
I haven't seen the track listing of the best of compilation, but I'd recommend just picking up To Mega Therion, Morbid Tales and Into the Pandemonium. All three are pretty much essential.
If you want to check them out Ted, I would suggest that you start with Cold Lake (going by what I know about you by your posts). Their early stuff is kinda weird so that album can ease you into them. Here is a review of it from Allmusic.com...... the last sentence says it all.

After the massive artistic success of Into the Pandemonium, Celtic Frost leader Thomas Gabriel Warrior was abandoned by his other bandmates and left to re-create the band. On top of that, Celtic Frost's fanbase had expanded into a literate bunch who desired the avant-garde tendencies of the group and waited for yet another landmark album. So when Warrior appeared with teased hair and a traditional metal sound, the backlash was legendary. History has painted Cold Lake as a pop-metal disaster, often branding Tom Warrior's new lineup and image as a calculated plan for financial success. But anyone with even a passing knowledge of what made for successful '80s radio should know that this record doesn't contain one track that could have broke into the mainstream. Often recalling the classic work of Iron Maiden with a touch of Megadeth's technical wizardry thrown in, it does sound like a different band. But these songs are actually lively and energetic, filled with some of the most memorable riffs and catchy songs in the Celtic Frost catalog. Sadly, Warrior's tendency to write cliché-ridden lyrics isn't hidden by the usual Celtic Frost weirdness, and his mean-spirited attitude toward women makes songs like "Dance Sleazy" hard to take. But if these detriments can be forgiven, there is some really interesting stuff here. A fascinating tribute to Marilyn Monroe ("Cherry Orchards") offers a unique viewpoint of her life, while "Roses Without Thorns" is a curious metal anthem that contains some killer dual-guitar interplay. Still containing Celtic Frost trademarks like eerie female vocals and unanticipated tempo changes, only a few tracks disappoint musically. Looking past the vacuous groupie tracks, there is some vibrant heavy metal here that is longing to be rediscovered by fans who can appreciate how good this is considering Warrior's unenviable situation. It's still the worst Celtic Frost album, but the truth is that Cold Lake really isn't that bad. — Bradley Torreano
haha! Sounds like Cold Lake may be the best place to start for me! I'd probably love it. Celtic Frost are another one of those bands I always heard of back in the day but never checked out...I remember seeing the ads in Metal Edge, though...hehe I'm such a geek.
tedvanfrehley said:
I saw on bravewords.com that these guys are putting out a best of...what do you all think of them? Worth picking up or if I've made it through life this long without them why start now? You guys will slay me for this but I do like the Tom G Warrior track on the Probot disc but that's as close to hearing Celtic Frost as I've gotten...

lol I'v only heard one song by them and for years I though it was an obituary song .... Circle of the Tyrants I just recently got to hear the original Celtic Version very interesting very raw
I personally never got into "Best Of's..." because if I get one album and like the band then I'm gonna buy all the cds anyway, so why would I need a compilation of all thier songs when I can just make one my self.
These are the ones I have.

Morbid Tales
(EP) Emperor's Return
To Mega Therion
I have To Mega Therion, Parched With Thist And Am I Dying, Into The Pandemonium, Morbid Tales, and Vanity/Nemesis. I like their sound but they hold a lot of memories for me as this was some of the heavier stuff I had back when they came out. I'm sure whatever comes out, I'll buy.
cool. thanks guys. I guess the best thing about a "best of" package is that it gives somebody like me (and with limited $$$) a chance to check out a band and see if you like 'em. If you do then you can go hunt down their other stuff but if you don't like the best of then you may not wanna blow another $15 to hear more...just my take.
I'd rather go for To Mega Therion & Into The Pandemonium :headbang:
If you're not that much into black metal (like me) you'll probably dislike their early works, although they're essential in this scene.
I ahve their previous best of, "Parched With Thirst Am I And Dying" which is pretty good. I'm not a huge fan of the band but to me along with their previous incarnation (Hellhammer) are the godfathers of what is called nowdays Black metal. I also have the Dwelll records tribute to them "In Memory Of...Celtic Frost".'
The abnd was ina reunion process of the original or most well-know line up (Í don't have more details). I heard a new song in the net 'Ground', which has a lot of doom vibe, and I like it. Tom G. Warrior has a distinctive voice more fit for a thrasher, and that elevates the band above the generic vocalists of Black.

I hpe they make a new album along the lines of that song, I'll go for it most definitively.
delize said:
These are the ones I have.

Morbid Tales
(EP) Emperor's Return
To Mega Therion
Those are the ones I like best.

What should be mentioned in a discussion about the mighty Celtic is their lyrics. Because these were original and very good. You might not expect it from a band like CF but some of their lyrics were pretty intelligent.
i remember seeing a video of theirs years ago on the headbangers ball,all armour and swords.i thought,this band are really fucked up.
i was young.nowadays they seem a bit tame compared to some of the loons out there.they've got nothing on those norwegian satanic terrorist mothers.
they did probably start all that though didnt they.
what i'm trying to say is that i know nearly fuck all about celtic frost,and i'm really sorry