Celtic Legacy


Feb 27, 2002
Macon, GA
Anyone familiar with this band? Excellent Irish-flavored hard rock/metal along the lines of Thin Lizzy, Gary Moore, Riot and Iron Maiden. I don't think we've ever had an Irish band at ProgPower, I think these guys would fit quite well, at least for a pre-party spot. Here is their MySpace page with some samples:

About 2 seconds into "Guardian" all i could think of was Tuatha De Danann. Great find, thanks! It's too bad The End doesn't stock this yet. I wanted one of their CDs.
My vote would be for Waylander =) But this band is damn cool too and I'd love to see them live.
If you want a "celtic" influenced metal band, nothing would be better for ProgPower than Tuatha de Danann from Brazil. Progressive Celtic Metal would be the best words to describe it. It's freakin great!! Check out the latest album TROVA DI DANU and you'll become a fan!!
nailz said:
About 2 seconds into "Guardian" all i could think of was Tuatha De Danann. Great find, thanks! It's too bad The End doesn't stock this yet. I wanted one of their CDs.

Tuatha De Danann? That's a new one on me, I'll have to check them out, sounds very interesting! You can get Celtic Legacy's first two albums on iTunes, GUARDIAN OF ETERNITY won't be out for several more months...


nailz said:
About 2 seconds into "Guardian" all i could think of was Tuatha De Danann. Great find, thanks! It's too bad The End doesn't stock this yet. I wanted one of their CDs.

Nailz - good call on the Tuatha comparision.

I look forward to hearing more from these guys.
AngraRULES said:
Hey Neal,
Do they have a website?

Yeah, Rich beat me to it! I just did an interview
with guitarist Dave Morrissey, it will be in an
upcoming issue of the Detritus ezine - I 'll post
a link when it's up.

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm a fan of celtic music and metal, and I've been looking for bands that mix genres. I was really only familiar with Cruachan before.

yah, for those of you not familiar with Tuatha De Danann should DEFINITELY find a way to check them out IMMEDIATELY. Not to hijack the thread or anything, but seriously, I can't listen to Trova Di Danu and NOT be in a fantastic mood. Even their sophmore release, Tingaralatingadun (while impossible to spell or pronounce.. I have the CD here) is horribly produced, the songs are still absolutely FANTASTIC.

ANYONE REMOTELY interested in Celtic music of ANY kind, metal or non, will find a lot of songs to their liking on any of thier releases.