For a moment there, Russell Allen was Dream Theater's singer XD. Same with the Fear Factory singer...and good ol' Mustaine.
in my most pleasant of dreams there is no mustaine to be seen by the eye. in his place the glowing figure of romeo appears from the mist casting grace and glory on the strings of six
Amazing video. Russel Allen kicks ass again. And Labrie is very good also. But i didn't like the second guy, i don't know who he is.

I am happy Dave's wanking didn't take so long :) And i wish the pitch bending in the end would have been made by guitar, not the keyboard. But it is ok.
I'm aware of that factoid...

@ALexander Reborn: No, just when peforming live, and performing this song for a live dvd, + performing with a band of dream theaters calibur its very important to make a good performance. did mustaines shit go well with the song? yes but it doesn't do justice, he was on stage because it was his tour, i'm sure petrucci woulda rathered romeo up there ;) or dimebag himself :p RIP

FYI: the 2nd singer is the singer of Fear Factory
in my most pleasant of dreams there is no mustaine to be seen by the eye. in his place the glowing figure of romeo appears from the mist casting grace and glory on the strings of six

That was a skillfully crafted response.
Making fun of proggers for not "liking" Mustaine's solo? Sure, somebody can shred, or do whatever they want... to an extent. What he did, did not follow the song in any way. So many notes clashed horribly... yet, us proggers are the wrong ones.
Making fun of DT? When somebody doesn't study music deeply, but can still become huge in the industry, in your eyes, deserve credit... but when somebody puts almost all of their time into learning a skill and studying music to the best they can... they are pretentious? They are the ones who deserve their praise the most. Typical non-progger...
Cool video. I agree about Mustaine, it seems he wanted to show off instead of following the song.
Making fun of proggers for not "liking" Mustaine's solo? Sure, somebody can shred, or do whatever they want... to an extent. What he did, did not follow the song in any way. So many notes clashed horribly... yet, us proggers are the wrong ones.
Making fun of DT? When somebody doesn't study music deeply, but can still become huge in the industry, in your eyes, deserve credit... but when somebody puts almost all of their time into learning a skill and studying music to the best they can... they are pretentious? They are the ones who deserve their praise the most. Typical non-progger...

You can elaborate on my comment to your hearts content as 'making fun of' or whatever but I sure as hell couldn't play what Mustaine did and I just found it slightly disconcerting that people would slate somebody's ten second slot as 'not up to standard' because he might not be as good as the fastest fucking guitarist on the planet. I listen to many different styles of music but don't confine myself to one label as 'non-progger' or 'progger' as certain others might to create the predictable 'us and them' scenario, cultivating a rather perverse sense of musical superiority. I can see the ridiculousness in labelling DT as pretentious when taking into account the shire blood and sweat they must have put in to get where they are and I love their music as much as the next 'progger'. In any case I concede my initial remark was pretty stupid and out of context. My issue here is that I don't like it when DT are compared to every other band out there and then certain armchair non-players giving themselves the self appointed authority to shoot down other bands/players because their chops don't measure up to their beloved DT. What this issue comes down to it this: if you can't play what Mustaine did sit down and shut up, if you can I sincerely apologise and you have my utmost respect, it's that simple.
Even if Dave's solo wasn't super elegantly performed, who cares? Its fucking Dave Mustaine , he's one of the most awesome people on the planet. Plus he did have to relearn to play guitar because his arm got fucked and had to get operated on.
You can elaborate on my comment to your hearts content as 'making fun of' or whatever but I sure as hell couldn't play what Mustaine did and I just found it slightly disconcerting that people would slate somebody's ten second slot as 'not up to standard' because he might not be as good as the fastest fucking guitarist on the planet. I listen to many different styles of music but don't confine myself to one label as 'non-progger' or 'progger' as certain others might to create the predictable 'us and them' scenario, cultivating a rather perverse sense of musical superiority. I can see the ridiculousness in labelling DT as pretentious when taking into account the shire blood and sweat they must have put in to get where they are and I love their music as much as the next 'progger'. In any case I concede my initial remark was pretty stupid and out of context. My issue here is that I don't like it when DT are compared to every other band out there and then certain armchair non-players giving themselves the self appointed authority to shoot down other bands/players because their chops don't measure up to their beloved DT. What this issue comes down to it this: if you can't play what Mustaine did sit down and shut up, if you can I sincerely apologise and you have my utmost respect, it's that simple.

What does being able to play a guitar or not have to do with not enjoying a piece of music? Music is an art, not everybody needs to enjoy all of it.
You guys can pick fight from the simplest thing ever. Amazing talent. They just covered a Pantera song. That's all.
You can elaborate on my comment to your hearts content as 'making fun of' or whatever but I sure as hell couldn't play what Mustaine did and I just found it slightly disconcerting that people would slate somebody's ten second slot as 'not up to standard' because he might not be as good as the fastest fucking guitarist on the planet. I listen to many different styles of music but don't confine myself to one label as 'non-progger' or 'progger' as certain others might to create the predictable 'us and them' scenario, cultivating a rather perverse sense of musical superiority. I can see the ridiculousness in labelling DT as pretentious when taking into account the shire blood and sweat they must have put in to get where they are and I love their music as much as the next 'progger'. In any case I concede my initial remark was pretty stupid and out of context. My issue here is that I don't like it when DT are compared to every other band out there and then certain armchair non-players giving themselves the self appointed authority to shoot down other bands/players because their chops don't measure up to their beloved DT. What this issue comes down to it this: if you can't play what Mustaine did sit down and shut up, if you can I sincerely apologise and you have my utmost respect, it's that simple.

You make some good points there, so I'll also concede my initial remark. It's not like Dave was being cocky (at least I don't think he was... I don't know him well). He was just playing his heart out... and now that I think about it, I've gotta respect the guy.