Century Media "Deluxe Editions"

Justin G

Jul 28, 2007
Northern VA
Anyone else get the email from the CM Distro about their 2-disc Deluxe Editions of previous CM titles from bands like Nevermore, Firewind, Iced Earth, Insomnium and Dark Tranquillity (and a lot of others)? I clicked the links for the ones I was interested in, and they have absolutely no info on what the second disc is, or whether the albums have been remastered at all. Even at $10 and change each I'm not re-buying these recent albums unless they tell me exactly what I'm getting.
Anyone else get the email from the CM Distro about their 2-disc Deluxe Editions of previous CM titles from bands like Nevermore, Firewind, Iced Earth, Insomnium and Dark Tranquillity (and a lot of others)? I clicked the links for the ones I was interested in, and they have absolutely no info on what the second disc is, or whether the albums have been remastered at all. Even at $10 and change each I'm not re-buying these recent albums unless they tell me exactly what I'm getting.

Yeah, the website info sucks as did the wholesale info they sent out a few weeks ago on all of them. What fan is going to rebuy them without ANY info as to what the bonus discs entail. Silly.
Yeah, the website info sucks as did the wholesale info they sent out a few weeks ago on all of them. What fan is going to rebuy them without ANY info as to what the bonus discs entail. Silly.

I like the idea of a Deluxe Edition of, say, Dead Heart in a Dead World, but not if it's not remastered. Or if the bonus disc is just random songs from their live album or something.
Think about it. Whenever CM re-releases an album and the wholesale/resale ads suck, it's usually because it's the exact same version as the initial release, and they don't want to draw too much attention to the product, if you know what I mean (they just want the casual, unsuspecting consumer to buy them. No media attention). No remastering, no new liner notes, or graphics. And you can BET the bonus discs consist of previously released material. Remember those Godawful 'Best Of' albums they released a few years ago?
Does the Andrew W.K. re-release of I Get Wet count? :P They did a good job on that one.
Those Nevermore CDs were already re-released + remastered w/bonus tracks a few years back so it's probably those remasters and not brand new ones.