chance of announcement today?

Rob, said he would announce two bands later today, but didn't give a time. Check back later I guess? Rob, do you have a time in mind for this announcement?

He also mentioned that he should be finding out today about the big headliner (Saturday night headliner), but probably won't be able to announce it today. It's not a 100 percent lock yet.

Yeah, my company has a league on Monday nights.
This guy at work has been bugging me for years to join.
I joined this year as a part time every-other-week guy.
I grew up bowling every Sat.
Hadn't been in a league since college.
It's fun, though the majority of guys on my team are hella-boring.

Rob - Great news about the announcement.
(Make it Candlemass and Elvenking and Bob and I will wash your car for a year!!! :lol:)
We're all a bunch of savages!!!!
There have pretty much been between 5 to 9 viewers ALL day long at any given time........

We are eager beavers............!
why do I have a bad feeling that it will get pushed back to tomorrow. I really hope not. must have a sixth sense...because there is a slight chance that may happen. :p

Although we do have confirmations, we're currently waiting from one of the bands regarding their passport/visa documentation...and we'd just hate to make the announcement & then have to retract that band.

Please be patient with us...we are in the 11th hour. ;)
We're in luck...all is good and announcement is coming soon today!!!

Although, part of me wants to make you guys wait because of that BULLSHIT Jasonic pulled with the Static X thread. :p

You had me shitting that something got fucked up & I was just about to make frantic phone calls...thankfully, I read through the rest of the thread.

You do that again Jason, & I'm gonna have to ground you from the board for a week!! ;)