changing pickups


New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2010
hello, some months ago i bought new pups for my old guitar. i went to an electrician and he putted them (for free :kickass:, so i treat him a beer anyway).

now i bought a new guitar and i would like to put these pickups to it. can i take off the pickups from the old guitar or this will cause any damage or whatever to the electronics?

thanks :headbang:
If you know how to solder/de-solder you'll be fine. If it is the same electrical layout, you can just copy.

I soldered/desoldered the pickups like 3-4 times until i got them to work so i'm afraid that i will break something lol.
Yeah, take it to a guitar tech or learn how to solder well and read the manuals.
EMG for example have pretty good manuals at their homepage.
You can even use something like that:
I don't know the English term for this thing, but if you like the "layout" of your guitar,
like it is atm, for example 2 volume potis, one tone and one 3 way switch, you could
cut the wires from the old pickup and connect the wires from the new one to them
with that thing.
It works, did it 3 times, you don't have to solder anything that way.

Oh and about the thing that your guitar sounds like shit atm:
when you changed your guitar's strings last time?

I just had to do it ;)
Yeah, take it to a guitar tech or learn how to solder well and read the manuals.
EMG for example have pretty good manuals at their homepage.
You can even use something like that:
I don't know the English term for this thing, but if you like the "layout" of your guitar,
like it is atm, for example 2 volume potis, one tone and one 3 way switch, you could
cut the wires from the old pickup and connect the wires from the new one to them
with that thing.
It works, did it 3 times, you don't have to solder anything that way.

Actually if i cut the, i have to solder the new ones i guess..??
No, depends on where you cut it and if the new pickup has the same number of cables
so you just connect the cables with the thing I posted (seems like it's called wire nut).
That way, you don't need to solder anything because the wires get connected through
the wire nut, like when you install a lamp or something like that.
Depends on where you live, but you can get them here almost everywhere,
every hardware store should have loads of them, most computer stores have
them and they're pretty cheap, bought a 20s pack at my local hardware store
for 2,50€.