Channel Zero


all the way
Dec 30, 2001
Anyone heard about this formation?!
They were once Belgium's leading metalband... no other band from here achieved something similiar like they did! You can consider them as trashmetal, but in a modern way! And don't think now that they are copying other bands...
People who were at the Frontline during the Antimattergig may have wondered about Heiko and I freaking out on their biggest hit 'Help'! Ooh yeah :headbang:

So anyone? Would like to see not only comments from Belgium :eek: ;) :cool:
Help is not good though. It may be their most well known song but I don't like it. Suck my Energy is daaaamn great, and Black Fuel too. That intro! Oh my god!

I have actually been considering if I would add them in the thrash thread, but they're from the 90's, so...
Anyway, the Belgian metalscene isn't dead. We have some fine black metal (Ancient Rites, Enthroned, Axamenta, Kludde), and Tim's Favourite (stupid name) is simply one of the best bands ever, and they have only released 2 demos yet!! (Pieter I think I'll send you some mp3's of them, if you want them)
And ofcourse there's also Manic Movement, Oceans of Sadness, Deviate, etc...
Originally posted by Strangelight
Phillipe Albert and the Ghosts of Everything

Off topic
Ghosts of Everything???
Nice too see you're still knowing Phillippe Albert! Ah, I still remember that match against Holland at the Worldchampionship in the USA 1994... ooooooh he scored that very goal, 1-0, those dutchies :lol:, but the player of the match was our keeper! Michel Preud'homme!!! He saved some shots :yow:, pity there aren't such keepers anymore :cry: He was the best! THE very best! Only Kahn comes near...

On topic!
Yeah that intro of Black Fuel is marvelous! Doomtrash! haha
Black Fuel's the master making rules!
Black fuel controls the wooooooorld

And they're fuckin' right, it's still like that, damn Americans :mad:
I don't think Belgium has much to offer metalwise but the punk/harcore scene over there is really amazing!!! Great bands man...
Whoehoe Channel Zero!
Brings back memories!!!
My other half used to be a big fan.
Do you know Jason Rawhead as well?
And one of Channel Zero's members was ex-Cyclone. They used to be a very big (Belgian) thrash band in the 80s. (so I am told)
aaaaaah, it's true the hardcorescene is pretty big... pity, because there is not much good Hardcore left :cry: Real Hardcore that is! No Slipknot, Soulfly or something similiar
The only band I still appreciates is Pro-Pain!
Originally posted by moody
enzo scifo was good too.
But never good enough for playing abroad, in Auxerre he was doing okay, BUT in Torino he never played well... he was way too fast leaving Belgium, he wasn't ripe enough...
blablablabla don't like it as I said before, ONLY Pro-Pain is the real hardcore I like... (and State of the World Address by Biohazard)