Character: Korean Ed Details


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Watched 3 clips at the show I saw last year (Busan Rock Festival). Brought back a lot of cool memories. The other clip is from the show in Seoul (the same club I'll be seeing Shadows Fall at next month).
It's a nice digi with the standard liner notes and Korean insert.

I bought 2 copies. One for me and the other for eBay (selling at cost - so that any collectors don't have to pay a huge import price).

Now, I'm going home to check the disc out! Hopefully, One Thought will still be killer! :hotjump:
TE.. said:
(selling at cost - so that any collectors don't have to pay a huge import price).
I was going to make a comment about the price one would have to pay for shipping from Korea, but I see you're only charging $3.50. (There are pricks here who charge even more than that, just to have it sent to the neighboring state)

Not bad.. Not bad at all..
cool you where there on this gigs!

BUT by the way who do you is gonna buy this "korean"Version of Character???
This Version is the same as I bought on monday in germany and is also avaiable in rest of the world or most countries.
so theres nothing special on it.
If there would be bonustracks(like the projectorversion) or different cover it would make sense, but just buy one because its from Korea???
I dont know.