Charlies Comment


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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"I also want to take the time to ask our fans PLEASE NOT TO DOWNLOAD the new ANTHRAX record, it'll break my heart. You would be cheating yourself anyway, the inside booklet and the cover have some killer artwork and lyrics that you won't find anyplace but there."

I mean, he says fans but true fans wouldnt dl the album and not buy it. I think this comments a load. Why would benante post this? That message wouldnt effect anyone because the fans are gonna still buy the album and the pirates would dl it anyway, so theres no REAL reason in saying this. And then he goes a step farther and feels he has to convince us not to dl the album, who would be at, for the most part, besides the fans? I completely do not agree with this comment, i think that if someone wants to dl it they should be able to because its just more publicity for anthrax. We have to face facts and understand that anthrax is an underground band, and for underground bands MP3s are great because it spreads the word. I mean i dont know, maybe im overanalyzing this shit, i still like benante and his work but this statement i find partially insulting.
basically dude you have your head in your ass, lets see what charlie was asking...


well now that dosent seem so bad
read between the lines, download if you must (like me) but BUY THE FUCKING ALBUM, or else you have no business being an Anthrax fan
I think Charlie meant not to ONLY download the album (without actually buying it).
But that's just me...

btw- NOW I remember why redeyes is on my ignore list.
yes he means do not download the album if it means you're not gonna buy it.
which is kind of strange because it's like saying "don't go into a shop and steal something if you're not gonna pay for it." but it's weird because you can just say "ok i'll download it just to listen to it, but i wasn;t going to buy it in the first place anyway so what's the harm? thrax haven't lost out"...
shit, this is starting to confuse me...!
i'll be buying it anyway, for sure.
It was kind of insulting, i mean im a fan for fucking life and i would never rob them, but you know yet again i leave myself open to possible missunderstanding, not mad at benante. Its kind of like trent lott, sometimes people just fuck up with what they say and they dont mean it.

From henceforth, redeyes is expelled from all discussion on this board. He compared pantera to deftones/korn get the fuck lost.
Well I for this time around gonna wait for the new album instead of downloading it first. I wanna actually be surprised when I buy the album.

Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
I think Charlie meant not to ONLY download the album (without actually buying it).
But that's just me...

btw- NOW I remember why redeyes is on my ignore list.
your not the first person to hate me, and as usual i dont give a fuck

you know i wasnt comparing Pantera to Korn, I was giving an example of a shitty ass band, DUMB ASS.
oh really you fucking faggot, bring it on

if i had a dime for every jackass that pulled your shit, id be richer then Lar$ Ulrick(or however you spell his name)

too many people on here think their opinion is the word of god (or satan), get the fuck over yourself
bring it on? those sound like fighten electrons, dude shut the hell up with this macho bull shit, dont like the board do us all a favor and get the fuck off. you got big words on the internet but id like to meet you in reality
Youngin, this time you were mistaken about Redeyes' comparing Pantera to Deftones, read it once or twice more and as soon as you get it, you can start insulting anyone, peace.
Everyone add redeyes to your ignore list. God knows I have.

As for Charlie's comment, I don't find it insulting. He is just afraid of everyone downloading the album, so he's telling people not to. The end.

Hey! Don't tell me you haven't added redeyes to your ignore list yet! Get to it!