Cheap portable interface I can use for reamping


boom tap boom-boom tap
Jul 2, 2008
I'd prefer to stay near or under 200$, i just need an interface I can bring around with in my laptop bag because I do location reamping. Any ideas? Firewire preferred, only need one input and at least four outputs, and a headphone output.
You prob won't be getting any firewire for $200....

Maybe focusrite? Scarlett or Saffire. Or Presonus AudioBox?

Personally I'd spend three times that and go for the Apogee Duet...
Duet is too much for what I need, I have a main interface (Saffire 56 and 40), this is literally just for reamping(plus mac only? Windows user). USB can work too, I'm sure reaper has latency compensation.