Cheap Reamping - Recto, Savage 120 and more


Sep 21, 2011
Kiev, Ukraine
Hey guys! I have some cool guitar amps, and I love this forum, that's why I want you to make some special offer. I have Mesa Dual Rectifier Revision F (as far as I know Andy Sneap has the same one revision), and Engl Savage-120. Also my good friend owns Mesa Mark V and Orange Rockerverb 100H MKII, which I can also record.
Do you have screamers as Ibanez TS-9, Maxon OD-820, Maxon OD-808 to use it before head?
I'm actually very interested in hearing some Savage clips if you have any.

I'm in a process of making some comparison between this amps, but I can make some samples if you want. What kind of sound do you prefer to listen (raw guitar amp sound, guitar sound with overdrive pedal or guitar sound in mix)? Also, you can send me some short guitar recording and I'll reamp it for free
I'm in a process of making some comparison between this amps, but I can make some samples if you want. What kind of sound do you prefer to listen (raw guitar amp sound, guitar sound with overdrive pedal or guitar sound in mix)? Also, you can send me some short guitar recording and I'll reamp it for free

I can wait for a comparison, that would be great. I don't really have any clips to send right now, just curious about the Savage.