Check my latest mix! Gimme your opinions

sounds saucey, seb! ;)

i think it is a bit too compressed for my taste... and the cymbals are a little artificial sounding. the guitar editing can use a little "this" and a little "that" (you know what i mean). ;)

but i would say that out of all the mixes on this particular forum, yours are sounding the best (progressively).

still too much gain on the guitars (imo), but nicely done, buddy! :)
sounding good Seb! i agree with tim. Sounds like too much gain and maybe abit too much presence on guitars (but i said that about your last mix =P) and again with tim, work on the cymbals sounding 'more human' if you can
Wow! Thanks so much guys!

I defiantly hear what your saying about the guitars, I'll try adjusting the gain, if i turn down presence or treble even a little bit, i find my tone suffers.

Tim! We need to ichat it up soon, I miss your crazy long explanations :)
sounds great dude! What's your bass chain looking like?

Thanks dude, nothing spectacular.

Boiled my bass strings before tracking, tracking everything as tight as possible and aggressive as possible before editing.

1 track

Pod Farm


Multi band compressor