Check my mix & song - mechanical metal from outer space!

Fuck man, that some serious riffage in there. Love that riff that comes in at 30 seconds! I can't comment on the mix much as I'm listening through laptop speakers, but I really dig that guitar tone. What's the guitar signal chain?
Awesome riffing and a great guitar tone. I'm not really liking the overheads/cymbals. The crashes sound like splashes (tiny). Everything else sounds pretty spiffy!
Thank you kind sir! Been listening to this track a lot. I've been kinda sick of all the djenty stuff, but this sounds really fresh.
Hey dude can you PLEASE post you pre processing and or all processing with screen shots of your chain! that would be awesome! dude i love the song as well as the tone!:kickass:

did you use the sneap C4 preset? or did you mod it? if so can you post your setting too :)
No prob man, but I have to warn you because Im a totall ignorant when it comes to mixing, so some of the settings might be completely rubbish :D I'm trying to tweak it to sound decent but since I'm not a producer/engineer/whatever it does not always end well...

For the POD track (which is actually 3/4 of the overall guitar sound, the Rev tracks are just to fill some frequencies and add some meat to it)

RevIII track

Master bus:
No prob man, but I have to warn you because Im a totall ignorant when it comes to mixing, so some of the settings might be completely rubbish :D I'm trying to tweak it to sound decent but since I'm not a producer/engineer/whatever it does not always end well...

For the POD track (which is actually 3/4 of the overall guitar sound, the Rev tracks are just to fill some frequencies and add some meat to it)

RevIII track

Master bus:

Thanx a lot dude!!! not a producer/engineer??????? Dude this shit sounds Fucking awesome (Production wise):kickass:
Thanks guys!

Guitar chain: Jackson DK2T (Merlin Hellfire bridge pu) quad tracked 80/100 - Revalver MK3 demo/PODxt live. Plus some postprocessing in Cubase (eq, C4 etc.).

awesome sound man...i like your guitar sound.
could you share your pod preset?