check out endwell


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
hey not sure if this belongs in "rate my mix or not" but i figured put it here since it seems more for like general things. not sure how many of you are hardcore fans here but i finished producing the new ep for endwell. it is the biggest project i've done so far and it was a pretty crazy experience all the way around.

me and my buddy bryan did the whole thing due to band time constraints in like under a week. the band had just parted with victory and had a week and the drummer quit halfway and they were going on tour in a week. it was pretty intense with like all day/night tracking, vocalist threw voice out, all this crazy shit but at the end we are proud of the final product.

for those of you who may know them endwell was like originally a melodic hardcoreish band then they got signed to victory and they tried to make them the next atreyu i guess so they recorded with jay baumgardner @ nrg in hollywood and it was like a very weird sounding record plus there were a bunch of things going on so the band almost split but the remaining members kind of went back to their roots and departed from victory and went to a more traditional hardcore approach.

ps - these are the final masters that just were finished like last night i think.
The myspace player sounds like ass, but from what I can make out it sounds really really thick and heavy. Vocals are way upfront, which I personally like.

Congrats on the gig, too! Hope it's a stepping stone for you! :headbang: