Check Out My Band, KrotchRaut


Aug 27, 2006
My brother and I started a parody band called KrotchRaut. It fuses Black, Death, and Thrash Metal to form PLAGUE METAL. We aren't serious or anything, not just from being a parody band, but we don't actually have a true band. Infact, we're almost fictional. We do however have 4 songs so far, with the newest one being the self-titled namesake, which has been in production for several months due to lazyness. The lyrical content is purposely immature, childish and tongue-in-cheek humor, and most of the time it makes no sense (There's alot of inside jokes or references to movies and shit). If you've heard of Psychostick and like them, we're like them, except they're better and have talent :lol: I make the drums with a program called beatcraft, and my brother plays the rest of the instruments and sings the growling parts, while I sing the black metal shrieks. So take a listen, and tell us what you thought, even if you thought it was the worst garbage you've ever heard. WE ARE BETTER THAN DRAGONFORCE. Anyway, ..... I forgot what I was going to say... Here's the link:

Because you requested it:

join us on facebook!

And our desolate forum:

Don't forget to like our facebook page. If we get enough LIKES, we might be able to afford better equipment!
