Check out my band!


New Metal Member
Hi y'all , this is my 1st post here but i already have some time coming here and reading a lot of interesting stuff... anyway, i reacently recorded a single with my band Artex, you can download the mp3 of the song "Hysteria" at (search for artex) Please tell me what you think about it, nad of course, i will be very happy to answer any questions you may have...

looks very cool! Good luck to you guys..come to Wisconsin and play with us!

Lo siento- prefieres espanol?
Buena Suerte ustedes con su banda. Me gusta mucho! Ustedes nececitan ir a los estados y tocan con mi banda. (lo siento, yo no se mucho espanol)
Hi, thanx for listening the song and writing here, Tye: We have released only one independent cd with 2 songs, if you want we can send it to you by mail, email me and we'll talk about it better... And metalsapphire: we really want to play outside of our country but it's very dificult, we don't have a record deal yet, we are searching for one... we want our music to be heard in as many places as posible so we can send you one cd too, email me to talk about it...
Hi, thanx for listening the song and writing here :) , Tye: We have released only one independent cd with 2 songs, if you want we can send it to you by mail, email me and we'll talk about it better... And metalsapphire: we really want to play outside of our country but it's very dificult, we don't have a record deal yet, we are searching for one... we want our music to be heard in as many places as posible so we can send you one cd too, email me to talk about it... Bye :rock:
Hey--i'm definately gonna check that out. If ya get a chance, check out my band--just click on the link on my signature. We only have one of our songs up on the site right now, and the recording quality isn't so great cuz we originally recorded that version of the song just for our bassist (who was new in our band at the time) so he could practice with it. Anyway, check it out and see what ya think, and sign our guestbook if like.