Check out my MP3, need your opinions!!!

Unfortunatly it doesn't sound very original at all. sounds like generic Sweedish Melodic Death Metal. Try something else. Good jobs on the solo's tho, with that kind of talent you should be writting better songs that are more captivating to the listener.
It has a very Arch Enemy sound to it....maybe some vocals would be nice...but it's way better than anything that I would be able to produce now, so I won't whine about lack originality....butmaybe you should put in a bit more pace/tempo changes to make it vary a bit more...shorter and more brutal songs, a bit more aggressive...but still, i kinda like it as to musical quality and arrangement
FUCKING AWESOME! Don't let these dinglehoppers tell you less. This is insperational! Congrats! PM when the official demo/record is out I will buy it, provided your singers does not suck large cock!

@heaven right on!
I agree with the other first two ppl.. but I do like the feel you have created for it. A sort of epic sound.
I reckon it sounds pretty cool, much more atmospheric than arch enemy, and more brutal. it has a nice mixture of breaks and bridges which stop it getting boring. there is a good mix of speed and heavyness. the riffs are smart, although if the drums were more technical, better fills, it would set it aside from the arch enemy comparisons.
sounds awesome. Very good quality and production. composition and guitar playing on the 2 heavy ones are quite good too. The soft one is kinda boring and unexpressive though, sounds like generic major-key filler and has a muddier sound quality, maybe because of the bass. Clean guitar sounds aren't that good on it either (and too loud)

so i'd say i really like the 2 heavy ones but not the soft one.