Check out my post-hardcore mix!


New Metal Member
Jun 15, 2012
Hey everyone!

This is what I have so far of a song I was messing around with for my band. I really like how the mix is coming out, but it definitely needs something.

Also, my monitoring situation is pretty, well... non-existent. Either way, let me know what you all think!

Created with Logic Pro 9, Addictive Drums, Lepou Legion
Hey, dude
1) Snare needs more reverb.
Toms have very big body. They needs more softness.
Pumping on all drums and cymbals. And bring up room track to glue all together.
2)Mix needs more bass, but not muddy
3)Guitars are too digital for me, and muddy to.

Listen references - it's very good practice to understand problems of your mix.
Good luck.
Guitars actually sound nice to me. Certainly a little digital but frequency wise, basically right where they need to be. There is an issue with mud but it's not THAT bad. Look into cleaning up some lower mids on guitars. Sweep a tight eq band around in the 200-500 range at around -4db and find the sweet spot. How much you cut will vary obviously, -4db is just a good starting point for me personally.
Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate the feedback! I'll put up a new mix of this with some revisions when I have the chance :)