Check out my site!

Now you're talking! ;)

Nice site, although the text could be a bit larger, I could hardly read it. Also, it'd be nice if the pages had something else as a title than 'Untitled Document.' ;)

Now, I demand you to check my homepages (link's in my sig) and leave some blasphemous message to my guestbook. :p :D
Been to both of them. :)

Dill - I added you to MSN seeing as your such a keen chatter box. ;) But I don't get on there as much as I like. I shall look out for you though (I'm Bev, not dreamy on MSN, just incase you see a strange name chatting to you ;)).

Eddy - may have my forum back up and running soon . . . ;)
Originally posted by dreamwatch
Been to both of them. :)

Dill - I added you to MSN seeing as your such a keen chatter box. ;) But I don't get on there as much as I like. I shall look out for you though (I'm Bev, not dreamy on MSN, just incase you see a strange name chatting to you ;)).

Eddy - may have my forum back up and running soon . . . ;)

Yay! Cool - I'll look out for you online (even though first time I saw you on there I sent one message and you immediately signed out... :( )
Originally posted by Eddy
Now you're talking! ;)

Nice site, although the text could be a bit larger, I could hardly read it. Also, it'd be nice if the pages had something else as a title than 'Untitled Document.' ;)

Now, I demand you to check my homepages (link's in my sig) and leave some blasphemous message to my guestbook. :p :D

LOL - I would change the text size, except it would mess up the pixel-perfect 800 x 600 web site design. As for the untitled document - I thought I changed that once! Grrr... damn you Dreamweaver 2!
Originally posted by dill_the_devil

LOL - I would change the text size, except it would mess up the pixel-perfect 800 x 600 web site design. As for the untitled document - I thought I changed that once! Grrr... damn you Dreamweaver 2!

IMO, it really is too small.The text size I mean! :lol:
I had to be so near to my monitor, that the screen now has the image of my nose on it....

Btw, loved the 'blasphemous message!' :lol: :D
Originally posted by godisanathiest
:eek: You're wearing a Linkin Park tshirt in one of the photo's! Try and deny it, I dare you :p What are ur two MSN adresses then? I'm never on but I like to add people just incase :D

Yeah, alright, you got me. I used to like Linkin Park about three months before they got huge over here... then they just began to bore me to tears. That shirt has since had beer spilled down it, been torn in a mosh-pit, and finally has been lost when I left it behind at a club several months ago. It hasn't been seen since...

My msn passport thingummy is