Check out these drums!

No guitars? The drums sound ok I guess but it's a bit useless without the rest of the mix present. I think you'll get a little better feedback when it's in the whole mix...
No guitars? The drums sound ok I guess but it's a bit useless without the rest of the mix present. I think you'll get a little better feedback when it's in the whole mix...

uhm what? no its not useless at all.

especially when he got hired to only track/edit/mix drums
all the other instruments are being done elsewhere, but does he really need to explain all of that to you so you can let him know if what he was hired to do sounds good to you?
does he really need to explain all of that to you so you can let him know if what he was hired to do sounds good to you?

Um.... yes actually that might have made it a little more clear. I'd still rather hear it with some guitars, but if he doesn't have any, no big deal. :err:
does he really need to explain all of that to you so you can let him know if what he was hired to do sounds good to you?

:guh: Excuse us for not knowing what he was and wasn't hired to do, I guess?
Anyways, after listening again, it sounds like the snare could use a little more energy. To me it sounds like it's just there. What mics did you use?
I actually like how roomy this sounds. The kick obviously sounds unlike the rest of the kit, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. Snare could have been tuned better but it's got vibe.

Overall decent sounds but work on your editing / blending of samples. There's some flamming going on.
sounds good, i think the only reason why it sounds programmed is because its only the drum track, once its all in the mix im sure it will sound natural? btw i would change the snare.
I don't know if the snare is flamming slightly, or if the sample chosen is just way too different to the OH, but you can clearly hear 2 separate sounds going on there. Other than that it sounds good. What samples for the toms?