CHECK OUT this RAD new ANTHRAX website!!!!!!

I'm calling bullshit. I voted until it was 14 - 14 while watching the twilight zone, then suddenly (between closing and opening the browser) ir was 17 - 14 again.

I also moved korn to 3 4 & 5 because fuck you I like korn.
Ragamuffin said:
I'm calling bullshit. I voted until it was 14 - 14 while watching the twilight zone, then suddenly (between closing and opening the browser) ir was 17 - 14 again.

I also moved korn to 3 4 & 5 because fuck you I like korn.
I agree about it being bullshit. Today going from one link to the next, they kept going back between first and second place. And opening another browser bumped them way down.

I think someone at the Zone has had enough Anthrax for one year. :erk:
Hmm...Someone (or some people) have restored my faith in humanity, as Anthrax once again has the lead. It's only a 1% lead, so I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up at 4th place this afternoon, but ya never know.... :Smug:
Why The FUCK is Crapt winning?

Here's what I just wrote to the Zone progamming :

That was weird that Linkin (SUCK) Park beat Anthrax on The Zone.
Us Anthrax fans will make sure that never happens again!!
By the way, could you play "Safe Home"? It was number 1 for 13 weeks in a row. It's obviously a good song. So please play it.
Thanks a lot!

PLEASE, go to this site:
And contact someone/EVERYONE about playing "Safe Home". They haven't played "Safe Home" since Anthrax did that morning HOB show.