check these things out......


Real World's Mad Girl
Firstly the fan site has had a few small updates so go check them out at

Secondly .... if u are ever in a music shop such as MVC and u stumble accross a book titled 'Nu metal' by Joel McIver ( i think that is right - or sumthing similar)
well dont pass it off as 'NU metal' have a check un der
Area54 - ull be most mightily surprised!!!!! and pleased ... there they are indeeed - best of all the pic is one from the first ever gig i went to ... mmmmm that was a day

anyway - i was well chuffed, hada bit of a fit in the shop and enterd Mg mode in public - NOT good - scary for friends lol
but there they were in all their glory- i shall say no more but pick it up if u can, defo worth a read. if not a buy as well!!!!!!!

anyway, thats all i have to say bowt that !!!!!!
Chances of actually seeing this book are probably quite slim, could you give us a brief overview of what is mentioned for 54 (knowing you, you've prob memorised it word for word :) )

Also, MG, I'd hate to have a go at you, but you got the web addy wrong. Shouldn't it be, since it doesn't work with the hyphen
It could be worth a look on Amazon or even Ebay if you cant find it in the shops (If you get it on Amazon you can leave a review and mention Area 54!).
Oh and I believe that web addy isnt for the official site - its the fan site :D
Indeedy it is the fan site, thank you :D

Yes it was kinda cheeky, but yknow, theres only SO many ways of writing Area 54 :lol:

And MG - the chances of finding that book oop north is???? ;)
well i dunno - i guess i shoulda got u the isbn number so u could go order it

ITs basically called 'Nu metal' and is about modern bands! not just nu-metal but modern bands really.

and it talks about lakis being founder member, mentions the proper line up.... as well as the ep ( sixTH are also in the book too which has nothing more to do with this thread than the fct that their drummer was on it) and mentions the fact that rob is ex- cruciferous. it talks about their influences .. all of which were cool - although the author said something about drum and bass which boggled me a bit..... as well as ep it discussed NVS and the fact they are working on new stuff now. im assuming it was actually written last year cuz it mentions that they had a few festicals booked for 01...
that the kinda information u were looking for?

basically i was on the edge of buying it but realised it was £12 ish. however i have a birthday shortly.. which is perfect for these situations ( such as when u want a book for 300 words that are written in it lolol - omg im too much of an obsessive i really am.. #
i saw an F reg vw golf today that was F 54 pgf i was like i wanna swap number plates cuz no matter how hard i try i cant make 638 anything remotely near it ! hehehe and ill stop babbling now

oh and yes.... it was the FAN SITE i was quoting so therfore the address i wanted was