Check This Band out

it went alright, there wasn't really a big crowd there, and the promoters who did the show are complete and utter assholes. So basically since we aren't a very well known band, they didn't pay us for the tickets we sold, and they made us go on during Origin's set. We kicked into the first song and the place was empty, then about 5 minutes later people started coming in the room. it was cool, but I was disappointed that there wasn't anyone there getting their mosh on.
basically emailed excessdb and sent them our contact info and mp3s, and they asked us if we wanted to open up for Vader. They put us on the 2nd stage, and that was about it, Told us we had to sell 80 tickets, and I laughed when I heard that.
thats some awesome stuff! whats the excessdb thing you're talkin about, in case the band that im getting started gets some stuff together? would you have been able to get up to the soundboard to record or was it basically "you're going up first, get your shit together, and when you're done, either go in the crowd or leave"?