check this one out :0

Wow fo'sho!! I noticed a fill and cymbals playing simultaneously at :12 seconds. Don't let those get away from you :)

that's a good catch man!! i had to listen twice.

make sure the kick doesn't get away from you once bass is in there, it sounds good so far!! 0:50 is sick, though the reverse snare lacked power and presence. and it sounds like there is synth there, but you can BARELY hear it, don't be afraid to turn it up a little. the ride / hi hats are also pretty loud. maybe even humanize the cymbals a little bit, and this could be a stellar mix man!!
that's a good catch man!! i had to listen twice.

make sure the kick doesn't get away from you once bass is in there, it sounds good so far!! 0:50 is sick, though the reverse snare lacked power and presence. and it sounds like there is synth there, but you can BARELY hear it, don't be afraid to turn it up a little. the ride / hi hats are also pretty loud. maybe even humanize the cymbals a little bit, and this could be a stellar mix man!!

great input man. i said in the post above i was gonna edit the kick because i know when the bass comes in the bass and kick will fight. imma take out some sub lows on the kick to leave some room for bass. i may need to side chane.

and yeah ill boost that snare hit @ 0:50