check this out!!!

NastyJoan said:
I can't download the song!!!!!!!!! :(
damn! the link works for me. in any case you can go to and search for neurotic. there are 3 songs there, new human machine is the one that is on the album
(you can listen to the others as well:), they will be on the album as well but a bit different,even better).

tkx for your interest. i hope you download it, i need some feedback.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
i finally heard it, awesome stuff dude, maybe thatll cheer you up lol

i was playing the poor depressed boy to see if anybody listens to the song:tickled:
perhaps now more people will hear it, lets see if people care about your opinion:)

i do care, and thanks for the words, you :headbang:
baldyboy said:
listened to new human machine.musically and technically it rocks,but i'm not a huge fan of the growly vocals.overall though it sounds pretty awsome
yeh tkx man! i see what you mean by the growly vocals, but i can't sing anyway lol, its an exquisite taste :)

anyway here is a link to the 1st song of the album(its done \m/)

it's our best song i think and it kicks some serious ass!!

come on people, listen and you won't regret it!