check this out.....


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
I am from Des Moines, Iowa. This weekend i was reading the news paper and they had a huge fucking thing on slipknot, and how they are making their new music video w/ maggots (slipknot fans). In the artical, they refer as slipknot as being metal. One person even said slipknot's music starts off w/ one instrament and then go into more and becomes...............metal!. The articals even said des moines metal band slipknot, to start of it. i feel ashamed that people now will think slipknot is metal, when we all know they are just a shitty ass rock band.

dont make this a bash new metal thread just tell me what you think of the articals. Dont get me wrong but i think its cool a couple of iowans made it big, but i hate how they call it metal.

here is the artical off of the Des Moines Register:

this doesnt have the quote because it was off to the side in the paper, but you should get the just of it.. is it NOT metal? What is it if it's not? It's not the best music in the world, but I still don't see how you can disregard them as a metal band... I'm confused because although this topic has been discussed many a time, it's never solved or resolved. Elitists will call it bullshit rock that isn't associated to any metal because it is a mainstream act with a gimmick. Other people will call it metal, but still really bad metal. And other people will call it metal and like it. So who's right?
It's without a doubt "metal" music - that can't really be debated. Whether it represents the genre or sounds as good as you think it ought to to be entitled to that classification is another matter entirely.