Yup, as usual, they converted the whole audience to their cause! I don't think I've ever seen them play a bad show.

Me either! Then again, last time I saw Miles Beyond it was my birthday and I showed up already drunk. Remember what they sounded like that night, Bryan? I don't.. :lol: :blush: :cry:

I just watched the video again... 9:52 seconds of missin' the sh$%@ out of those guys!
I've never seen them do a show and NOT entertain every single person in there. I didn't see anyone running to the bathrooms or the bar, they were all fixated on the guys! Funniest part was one of the gals who were helping them sell merchandise, comes up to me and says "Wanna buy one?" I've got THREE copies of their album! Before the remaster, after the remaster, and with the new album art! Although I do need their new shirt... SORRY GUYS! I LEFT THE SHOW WITH 8 BUCKS!! But I'll just grab one at their next show. I'm quite proud to be their #2 fan.

Yes, there was a fan before me. I have to bump him off and conquer his throne!!!
Hey, thanks everyone! Yea the number 1 and 2 fans were in the same place that night, yet the universe remained stable. Also you can check out this video

YouTube - A Call to Odin

Had a blast with Blind Guardian! More studio update to come!
oh, sorry, I guess you rank number 3, but thats not bad becaue in the olympics you lose the gold or silver, but you win the bronze.