Check this out!


Sep 20, 2004
Hey everybody, in my off-time from working and heavy metal, I do stand-up comedy as a hobby. Check out some video of it here. The quality sucks, but I think amateur video quality from an amateur stand-up comedian can be forgiven. Check it out, I'm just trying to get myself a little bit of exposure and see where this takes me.

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What I love about this bit is that it's essentially a three minute setup for a dick joke, but it still works. Bill Cosby would be proud, I'm sure.
Thanks, I should have more within a few weeks. I've got a bunch of different stuff that I've performed but never recorded, but you can't do the same jokes at the same venues too many times, they just wear out and you have to find new crowds. The newest routine I've got is based on my job working customer service, and I should be performing and hopefully recording it this week.
So it turns out getting good quality video of stand-up is way, way harder than you would think. I got lucky with my first attempt up there, and it took me months to repeat the feat and get anything even close to postable. But here goes, two more videos if you're interested!

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