checking in!


Captain Information
Jan 2, 2006
huddersfield UK
yo yo yo,

i can't be arsed to do a diary update yet so i will just give you all a quick update on here, tour is going very well so far. everyones really friendly over here, venues are all good, we've been going down surprisingly well, i expected most people to have no idea who we are but i've been surprised every night and we've had a good reaction. good times!

so far the best thing is finding the ghostbusters station house!!! fucking brilliant. photos will go up on facebook after the tour is done, or soon if i get bored.

america is cool.
I'm glad you're enjoying the place that I call home, and I hope you'll come back. through the right lens it can be a beautiful place. I hope you'll get to see the Appalachian Mountains at some point. good luck on the rest of the tour.
Excellent to hear from you Matt

I am so pleased that things are going well for you, long may it last

How are the McDonalds over there? Do their Big Macs taste better than ours?
I'm glad you're enjoying the place that I call home, and I hope you'll come back. through the right lens it can be a beautiful place. I hope you'll get to see the Appalachian Mountains at some point. good luck on the rest of the tour.

This pretty much. :D
Excellent to hear from you Matt

I am so pleased that things are going well for you, long may it last

How are the McDonalds over there? Do their Big Macs taste better than ours?

my buddy will went to London for three weeks, and according to him, the quality of English MacDonalds is much higher, because the British won't tolerate such low quality. I have no personal experience of this, so I really couldn't tell you.
When I had McD's in England it was barely eatable at twice the price :puke:

Matt you were wrong in Toronto, there are definietly more than 6 fans :lol: Fantastic show, see ya in three weeks :kickass: