Cheech and Chong - Up In Smoke

Commence Destruction

Carnage Serenade
Nov 20, 2002
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would any of you happen to know the name of the song with the wailing guitar in it? its played when theyre cruising around I think once around the middle of the movie and again at the end....thanks in advance
i know that that song that they do on the talent show thing is fully recorded on "follow the leader" by korn as the secret track

dont ask... please....
haha, do you know? :)

I didnt mean the talent show song when hes wearing the tutu and mickey mouse ears, I mean when theyre riding in the has a soloing guitar with a really glassy trebly tone sort of harmonics or feedback sounding to it, sort of a santana'ish style....I thought I had heard it been called a santana tune but I didnt find anything with his name on a discography or referenced to it. :(