Cheesiest/crappiest metal video


Jun 13, 2001
What's your nomination?

On " just the beginning" (not sure which volume) there's this Pungent Stench video which is beyond all comprehension.

It's super-low quality video, with some kind of posterization effect, so all the colours are muddy and reversed. It's actually a little out of sync, if I recall. Right in the middle, each instrument gets its little solo, the drums that sound like overturned cooking pots, bad, high-pitched bass, crappily distorted guitar, then a pause.. and then the singer stares right into the camera and goes "OOOOOHH BABY! YEEEEEEEEEAH!" kinda.. Axl Rose style.

It's hands down the last thing I would ever show anyone who I was trying to get interested in metal. Oh wait, or I saw some live footage of Deicide playing some song about suicide for satan or something, and they had that flexible metal duct-tube on their arms, like I did as a kid for a robot costume.. crappy.

Sorry, I'm bored to [eternal] tears [of sorrow], so I'm posting random smeg. feel free to ignore this :D
god, theres so many shitty metal videos out ther... the video for one of amorphis' new songs is HORRIBLE...... hammerfall - renegade is also horrible.... and every in flames video is horrible (except the ordinary story one, and you know why)
Well I dont know about you all, but Black Sabbath's Paranoid is pretty fucking cheesy!
I cant really think of any other videos, except maybe Mother North by Satyricon and the Immortal video. Cheesyness garanteed!
Definitely all videos from Pegazus! These Australian guys are fucking ridiculous :lol:
There's this vid for "Cry Out" in which they enter a class room and suddenly all "pupils" (grown-up people) wear leather and other "true metal" stuff and the band throws the teacher out of the window - we're talking about the first floor :D
Even more hilarious is the vid for "Braveheart". The lead guitar-guy, dressed like an Indian warrior, wildly runs and jumps through some forest's undergrowth and throws axes against harmless trees. I've to see them again :loco:
I have seen a Satyricon video that was pretty lame, I think it was for Mother North but maybe it was something else. Anyway it was pretty lame.
Ha ha ha ha!! I have seen that Pungent Stench video, it is fucking funny!! :lol:

The worst videos:

Dimmu Borgir - Mourning palace

Satyricon - that one with the naked chick being sacrificed...??

There's a Hecate Enthroned video which is just embarrassing beyond belief. It really has to be seen to be believed. I think the band even bitched about the director on next album (though it was entirely their own fault. If someone asks you to walk through the woods with flaming torches in broad daylight, tell them to piss up a rope...) The Immortal one is bad, too.

I've never seen that Pungent Stench video, though I'd like to :) From the "Yeah, Baby!", I know what song it is, and it's one of my all-time faves.
Have you guys seen the Killing me, killing you video by Sentenced? That something totally bull´s...The old geek and the sweet...
Immortal - Blashkyrkh
In flames - Only for the weak
Necrophagia - (cant remember the name)
Children of bodom - Everytime i die (i think it looks really lame with the reaper running around)
Satyricon - Mother north
Entombed - Night of the vampire (this one is hilarious! but its really cheesy.. :) they dress in black, with plastic vampire teeth.. and run around in the snow having a snowball fight.. LOL! and they film it with a low-quality camcorder..)

i have no doubts, that there are a lot of more cheesy metal-vids.. i just hope that i never see them..
MOTHER NORTH!!! That's the satyricon song i was talking about...

Also Meshuggah - terminal illusions (I think that's the song)... where they just run around a garage with a shitty tape-recorder and pretend not to know how to play their instruments...
well i dont think iv'e seen any of those videos, not really MTV material by the sounds of it :lol: , so where do you get to see those videos? im lucky if i hear anything decent on the radio let alone tv:cry:
I downloaded the videos i saw..
But some of them was recorded from MTV i belive.. Maybe from "Headbanger's Ball", or "Into the pit" or something..

The Terminal Illusions video is sure cheesy.. But i had a good laught watching it! So i think its pretty cool.. ;)
Originally posted by splump
I downloaded the videos i saw..
But some of them was recorded from MTV i belive.. Maybe from "Headbanger's Ball", or "Into the pit" or something..

The Terminal Illusions video is sure cheesy.. But i had a good laught watching it! So i think its pretty cool.. ;)

hmn, into the pit? headbangers ball? im either too young or they just dont show these on British MTV, which i think is the right one.

The Acercocke one I've got is funny tho

its not funny if your mum happens to be in the next room :lol: , but i really like that song, try rewinding the video (on the terrorizer cd) it surprisingly sounds really good. especially the guitar solos. :D