Chicago Construction Hell

Chris Lotesto

Uncle Fester
Aug 6, 2004
Just an fyi to all those traveling from out of town:

I294 heading south into Indiana is a mess as usual but
should be ok up until you exit going south at Halsted.
It's a bit tight around 95th and might get tight around
163rd but should be ok after. However, if it looks monsterous
before getting to 159th street (163rd St. toll), exit 159th St. east
and proceed to Halsted (2.5 miles or so), turn right (south) and
you will be headed towards the hotels and the venue.

I294 heading north toward Ohare is a friggin nightmare
at the 163rd street toll so it's best to avoid it. An alternate
route, would be to take Halsted south to 159th St., go
west and hit 294 North from there.

AVOID THE DAN RYAN AT ALL COSTS, it's a mess!! So, if
you're playing on heading into the city, it's best to probably
take the long way around via 294....

I'm hoping some people can shed more light on this but I
figured it would be best to get something started on the topic.
Chris Lotesto said:
AVOID THE DAN RYAN AT ALL COSTS, it's a mess!! So, if
you're playing on heading into the city, it's best to probably
take the long way around via 294....

O'Hare people who are renting cars: THIS MEANS YOU!!!!! :)

Anyone know how 80/94 is, coming in from Indiana? If it's too shitty, then those of us coming from that direction can get off 80/94 in Indiana, and head south a mile or so to Ridge Rd., and that should bring you straight into Chicago Heights. I can go get an image from MapQuest if anyone wants me to.
booB said:
O'Hare people who are renting cars: THIS MEANS YOU!!!!! :)

Anyone know how 80/94 is, coming in from Indiana? If it's too shitty, then those of us coming from that direction can get off 80/94 in Indiana, and head south a mile or so to Ridge Rd., and that should bring you straight into Chicago Heights. I can go get an image from MapQuest if anyone wants me to.

Please do! We'll just end up winging it and if we get stuck, we'd take those instructions. (I love getting stuck in a different state for Chicago traffic. :p)
well, I got a few images, because it's slightly more complex than I thought it was...

You can get on Ridge Road (US 6) from literally ANY exit on 80/94 in northwest Indiana or the first few miles of Illinois. Just get off southbound, and drive a mile or two (see link below).

However, when you get to Illinois, Ridge Road ends, and starts up again later (I hate that shit :) ). You can either take Torrence up to Thornton/Lansing Road and take it west (as in the link below) or go back up to the freeway and chance getting on I-294 (the toll road, which leads straight to the hotels), but if you do the latter, you're chancing the shitty freeway traffic again. I'd just go straight through... I've never gone that way, but according to the map, it works too.

Finally, Thornton/Lansing apparently turns back into Ridge, which turns into Brown Derby, which intersects Halsted (which is the street where the hotels are, see link below). I've put an "x" at the approximate location of the Best Western... the other hotels/motels are right around there, too.

Hopefully we won't need these directions... but if the Dan Ryan is as fucked up as C-lo says, then the freeway traffic could be backed up all the way down I-94 and into Indiana.
booB said:
well, I got a few images, because it's slightly more complex than I thought it was...
Hopefully we won't need these directions... but if the Dan Ryan is as fucked up as C-lo says, then the freeway traffic could be backed up all the way down I-94 and into Indiana.

Easter last year we made the trek (Jeremy's evil marrying brother lives just north of Chicago) and we did get stuck in Indiana. About 20 miles in from Michigan and we were stopped. It took us over an hour to make the last 20 miles at which point we ... got off the highway in Lansing and took Ridge Rd to 294. Heh.

So it's not just possible, but LIKELY. I'm hoping the fact that we'll be at the lunch hour will help.

TimeStitcher said:
Easter last year we made the trek (Jeremy's evil marrying brother lives just north of Chicago) and we did get stuck in Indiana. About 20 miles in from Michigan and we were stopped. It took us over an hour to make the last 20 miles at which point we ... got off the highway in Lansing and took Ridge Rd to 294. Heh.

Just for the record, Indiana finished its renovation of 80/94 at least a year ago, so the Indiana side of the state line is in great shape. Any traffic problems you encounter in Indiana are now Illinois' fault :)

It's the one time in history Indiana did something *first* (correction: did something GOOD first).

TimeStitcher said:
Please do! We'll just end up winging it and if we get stuck, we'd take those instructions. (I love getting stuck in a different state for Chicago traffic. :p)

That's part of being a Chicagoan! :mad: Especially during Spring/Summer.

J-Dubya - Transplanted Chicagoan, living up nort'......
metalprof said:
Just for the record, Indiana finished its renovation of 80/94 at least a year ago, so the Indiana side of the state line is in great shape. Any traffic problems you encounter in Indiana are now Illinois' fault :)

It's the one time in history Indiana did something *first* (correction: did something GOOD first).


I know!! We were totally stuck because of IL traffic in IN. Sucked. And when we got to Lansing, STILL stuck but we pulled off the highway then anyway to scoot around the rest of the )#($*)@ mess. I'd considering going that way more often if it wasn't for that stupid mess. :p
J-Dubya 777 said:
That's part of being a Chicagoan! :mad: Especially during Spring/Summer.

J-Dubya - Transplanted Chicagoan, living up nort'......

I think it's part of being a Midwesterner. We haven't made it to northern Michigan in the five years we've been in the state because of construction hell. I have better ways to waste my vacation then sitting there stuck on the road. :)

-Displaced Masshole. ;)
What is it with road construction?
I realize maintenance is a good thing, but aren't the life spans of the roads supposed to be 20-30 years? (depending on traffic flow, size and accidents). I guess commute is just inflating so much these have to constantly happen. I would be fully tolerant of the idea of paying so much for gas if it were to pay for things like that, as opposed to making vulgariously rich guys richer. But seeing as I'm a bit hypocritical driving a truck when I make use of it so little, I won't argue it.

Ever since I got my license (ie: 10 years ago), north dakota's interstates have had constant road construction. over any given 100 mile stretch, at least 1/3 of it was guaranteed to be under construction. And the road construction season only lasts from april-sept (best case scenario, as I was a construction worker for 2 years). So it is common knowledge around there that ND has only two seasons... winter and road construction. :)
enki3600 said:
What is it with road construction?
I realize maintenance is a good thing, but aren't the life spans of the roads supposed to be 20-30 years? (depending on traffic flow, size and accidents). I guess commute is just inflating so much these have to constantly happen.

nah, it's nothing as sensible as that... it's simply a matter of keeping construction workers in business.
booB said:
nah, it's nothing as sensible as that... it's simply a matter of keeping construction workers in business.

ahh, while I'd like to laugh at the silliness of it, the truthfulness is more potent. I see a lot of my (and others') managers throw major fits near the end of the fiscal year to go buy "things" if a certain aspect of a budget is under-spent so they can request the same amount next year.
Shameful, really. It promotes a sort of non-efficiency that has to be made up by things like benefit cuts and the like.

Though the thing about needing 4 construction workers just to hold a shovel is something people might point out... I can speak from experience that the 5 minutes you see them holding that shovel they spend 105 minutes using it laboriously. (at least the company I worked for). and it also boiled down to work ethic too... some people would do anything to get out of work, others just did as they were supposed to.
Regor and I took 2-1/2 hours to get back from Metal Haven. FUCK. We ended up taking the Lake Shore Drive as far as we could, then I think US-41 down through the industrial hellholes, and through the Mexican town. We'd have felt more comfortable taking Halsted all the way back... it woulda reminded us of our ghettos from Detroit! Ahh, good ol' familiar sights...
Yes, it was contruction hell. Took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to make it to the venue on I-294 from the north side of Chicago on Friday. Actually, the traffic wasn't terrible for early Friday rush-hour, it was the fact that the people who pay cash for the tolls got funneled down into 3 (and even one!) lane which is just a fucking insane lack of planning. One toll on I-294 had 3 lanes open for cash but then they made everyone merge into ONE lane after they all passed through the tolls. All this while about 4 lanes of road sit unused to the left of the tolls.

On Saturday morning I made the run up to Impulse on I-294 and the trip was pretty fast, although traffic in the southbound lane was backuped for at least a mile at the one fucking toll that had all the traffic merge into one lane. FIB engineering at it's finest!!! I decided to take 94 back to avoid that toll, but it wasn't much better as all tolls there were ripped up too.

This festival would really benefit being closer to the heart of the city or in the west suburbs such as Carol Stream, Schaumburg, or Roselle. The bands and fans wouldn't have to travel as far to see the sights downtown and the airport is much closer. I really liked the new venue itself and wish there was a way to magically move it to any of the areas above. The venue was clean, wide, long and open. Great for viewing and nice sized stage. Great lighting for photography! Kudos to the lighting director as well as everyone who had a hand in putting on the festival.

People who like to do their socializing at the venue or during the sets have complained about this year's venue, but isn't there plenty of time at the hotels and restaurants BEFORE and AFTER the venue to make conversation (not to mention a pre-party)? I don't have any pity for folks who get frustrated because they find it difficult socializing at a concert. Powerfest even had re-entry and some restaurants right outside for hanging out, but people still are finding a way to bitch about the lack of a quiet area to do their talking. :Smug: Just how much socializing do you need to do over the course of a weekend? :rolleyes:
The Fiddler said:
On Saturday morning I made the run up to Impulse on I-294 and the trip was pretty fast, although traffic in the southbound lane was backuped for at least a mile at the one fucking toll that had all the traffic merge into one lane. FIB engineering at it's finest!!! I decided to take 94 back to avoid that toll, but it wasn't much better as all tolls there were ripped up too.

Yeah, that really sucked. Especially for Mr. Frank. ;)
The Fiddler said:
People who like to do their socializing at the venue or during the sets have complained about this year's venue, but isn't there plenty of time at the hotels and restaurants BEFORE and AFTER the venue to make conversation (not to mention a pre-party)? I don't have any pity for folks who get frustrated because they find it difficult socializing at a concert. Powerfest even had re-entry and some restaurants right outside for hanging out, but people still are finding a way to bitch about the lack of a quiet area to do their talking. :Smug: Just how much socializing do you need to do over the course of a weekend? :rolleyes:

I didn't even once think to just mosey outside... hmm... still I was quite satisfied with the joint. Minor quibbles that will get ironed out, I'm sure. Nothing like going to Harpo's in Detroit, and seeing huge-name shows coming through and having to deal with that shithole of an acoustic pitfall. Worst sounding venue EVAR.
Bryan316 said:
Nothing like going to Harpo's in Detroit, and seeing huge-name shows coming through and having to deal with that shithole of an acoustic pitfall. Worst sounding venue EVAR.

Thanks for mentioning this. Too bad Kamelot got stuck playing there this fall. I've never been to Harpo's. Aside from the acoustics being shitty, is the venue itself a shithole, or is it large and open with nice stage lighting and somewhat clean? I was really impressed with what Mr. Kelly's had to offer in those respects.