Chicago Power* '99


unus spiritus est
Oct 10, 2001
Chicago Powerfest 2000, JJ Kelley's





Thanks again for the date info!

Edited for veracity. :)! And I belive that was Chicago Powerfest you can tell by Rich's shirt in the first pic. ;)

Thanks for posting...hopefully you'll be at this year's to take some more cool pics.
Hmmm. Okay, Powerfest 2000 it is then, if that's what it says on Rich's shirt. =) I can't tell from the foto. I have the original prints but they're packed away in a box somewhere. After I move I'll dig them out and rescan them at a higher dpi. Thanks for the info on the date!

As for this year's party, we'll have to see. I have not made a firm commitment on it yet. However, if the upcoming TOOL tour doesn't pass through here on those dates I'll definitely make an effort to be there at The Pearl Room. Sorry, nothing personal, but a TOOL gig will have to bump anything else that might be on my plate at the time.

By the way, how old was Vito in 2000? 16? 17? :heh:
Hmmm. Okay, Powerfest 2000 it is then, if that's what it says on Rich's shirt. =) I can't tell from the foto. I have the original prints but they're packed away in a box somewhere. After I move I'll dig them out and rescan them at a higher dpi. Thanks for the info on the date!

As for this year's party, we'll have to see. I have not made a firm commitment on it yet. However, if the upcoming TOOL tour doesn't pass through here on those dates I'll definitely make an effort to be there at The Pearl Room. Sorry, nothing personal, but a TOOL gig will have to bump anything else that might be on my plate at the time.

By the way, how old was Vito in 2000? 16? 17? :heh:

Damn!! Tool better not be coming through on those dates...cuz that will really screw I wanna go to that too. :erk:
Damn. Just tried to post this and it disappeared? Hope it doesn't show up twice. ;)

Yeah, that would suck. Hopefully they'll come before that date. If it doesn't work out though, don't worry, even tho' you're not playing it this year it's not like I need to attend a Powerfest gig to see the Chicago bands. ;) If nothing prevents me from coming out to Legends on Feb 10, I'll see you guys then. It's been a while since I've seen The Gate! Plus, I've heard good things about Sacred Dawn from my bud, Ray, in Eden's Fall. I'll be moving around that time, so I'll probably need a break from all the last-minute packing activity.
Powerfest 2000...what a great night and funny to see everyone
looking so young 7 years ago! :lol: Most people really don't
know, understand, or just choose not to acknowledge the
importance of that night, which is a damn shame!
yep... CPF 2000 was the progenitor of ProgPower USA, and so many people nowadays don't even know it existed... they think CPF started in 2005 with Tad Morose. :lol:
Sorry, guys, I didn't intend to sound insensitive to the timing of the shows. :\ I really do hope the dates don't conflict. As event promoters, and even as gigging musicians, you probably already know that kind of stuff can happen. As for the recognition of the original Powerfest event, well, I wouldn't worry about what other people think. It's all vanity anyway, which is something that should be put aside in this case. Yes, say it with me in Latin, vanitas (wan-i-tas). "all puffed up with vanity/we see what we want to see" Or as my buds in Smoke would say... "let go tha egooooo" (still workin' on it ;) )

Meh. Who cares. Let the party roll on for those who attend, and thanks for all the effort you put into organizing the show!
Sorry, guys, I didn't intend to sound insensitive to the timing of the shows. :\ I really do hope the dates don't conflict. As event promoters, and even as gigging musicians, you probably already know that kind of stuff can happen. As for the recognition of the original Powerfest event, well, I wouldn't worry about what other people think. It's all vanity anyway, which is something that should be put aside in this case. Yes, say it with me in Latin, vanitas (wan-i-tas). "all puffed up with vanity/we see what we want to see" Or as my buds in Smoke would say... "let go tha egooooo" (still workin' on it ;) )

Meh. Who cares. Let the party roll on for those who attend, and thanks for all the effort you put into organizing the show!

Of course we don't think you were being insensitive...Chris was just making a general observation.

And for the record, we give total homage to the true progenitor of all these fests...Keith Menser for starting the PowerMad fest in Baltimore back in the mid 90s ('96 or '97...can't remember exactly)!!! :kickass: :worship:

No matter what anyone else says or thinks, I guarantee you that without Keith, neither us nor Glenn would have been inspired to start Powerfest & then ProgPower. And if anyone says otherwise, it is definitely out of misinformation or pure vanity/ that, I agree with you 100%!!!
Phew. Ok. I think I'm confused, though. When did Chris generalize? He was absolutely correct. It WAS an important night for CPF. Unfortunately my file-keeping habits back then were not as organized as they are now, and I needed to get specifics! Thanks again. :D

Nice to see you giving due credit, too. I like that! :)