
\m/ \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Suburbs of Chicago
Visit site
Hey everyone!

It's taken me most of the week to recover from the fest and about the same amount of time to go through all of the pictures that I took. Here's a link to my albums on myspace. I'm leaving them as viewable for everyone for the next week or so (Just in case some of ya are not on my "friend's" list). There is an album for each band and an album with a few pics of debauchery at the now infamous "3rd Floor Super 8 Hotel". Some pics are better than others, but I think the killer shots I snapped made up for the mediocre ones. Enjoy!
Those are some killer pics! You can see me sitting in the back of the one where the guitar jam is going on, (but you can't see that I'm talking to Dusty Holt of Shatter Messiah). That was an epic night! Kudos on some excellent photos!

It also looks like you had a lot of fun, yourself. And Saladbar. :lol:
Everyone who has a Myspace account to sign in with, that is :cry:


Are you friggin' kidding me?? I wasn't aware. Sorry about that. I've also got them up on my Kodak gallery, though they aren't separated by band. They are kept together, so I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. ;-) So, for all of you non-myspace members, here ya go:

Lemme know if that doesn't work for anyone.
Okay, it has been brought to my attention that some of you can't even view my Kodak gallery. If you are not on myspace and would like to view the pics, send me a PM with your e-mail address. I can then send you an invite to at least view my Kodak gallery. Sorry guys!