

Oct 24, 2007


quite a line up if you ask me. but can they pull together and create something as a whole? i liked what i heard on their site. it's nice to see (and hear) Satch in a vocal setting again.. i think mike anthony has always been a seriously underrated bassist AND backing vocalist.. i love the punchiness of Chad Smith's drums on these recordings.
yea, on the left upper hand corner of their site (link above) they have links to myspace and a few other spots to listen to a few tunes they've released. my fav was 'Oh Yeah'.

the inner-play between Anthony's bass and Smith's drums is pretty cool. Satch's guitar is meaty. he definitely went for a bluesy/rock kinda thing. on the stuff i heard - i wish he had let loose a little more. kinda seemed like he was intentionally holding back with anything really shred related. a few good moments, but i think he could have really let loose and didn't. i'm sure he was (is) very concious of the comparisons to Ed. the other thing that got a little old was Sammy's "ranting" in the songs. fun live, but gets old real fast on a perm recording.