Children of bodom - are you dead yet? sound


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
do you know what amps they use ? do you have any picture of the recordings... or anything !!

i thinks is one of the best album sound that ive heard this year
Lee Jackson Perfect Connection pre, I believe an Engl power amp, Dime wah, some Rocktron effects unit, and Marshall cabs. I'll check in an interview I looked up a few days ago, but I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it.

EDIT: Take that back, he's using a VHT power amp, the Rocktron only does slight chorusing and a few other things here and there, and to clarify he's using JCM900 cabs.

In order to really get this albums sound, you must first write three amazing albums, one lackluster album, and become extreme lazy. Follow up by listening to excessive amounts of shitty American hardcore, and you'll have it nailed.
JBroll said:
Lee Jackson Perfect Connection pre, I believe an Engl power amp, Dime wah, some Rocktron effects unit, and Marshall cabs. I'll check in an interview I looked up a few days ago, but I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it.

EDIT: Take that back, he's using a VHT power amp, the Rocktron only does slight chorusing and a few other things here and there, and to clarify he's using JCM900 cabs.


Yeah, but they also use a Boss SD-1 or the old Jackson JE-1000 pickup booster, to boost the Lee Jackson, as it does not have enough gain by itself, I have virtually the same setup as they do. I can get close to the Are You Dead Yet? tone, but it's really not worth it, it's not a great tone by any stretch of the imagination. If you wanna nail a good Children Of Bodom tone, try and nail the one on Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper.

Edit: I also have settings for both the Preamp and Poweramp and Intellifex they use.
Atheist said:
I could swear it's Laney. It really sounds like one.

No, they've been using the Lee Jackson since their second album with the intellifex, all that has changed is the guitar pickups and/or poweramp.
DSS3 said:
In order to really get this albums sound, you must first write three amazing albums, one lackluster album, and become extreme lazy. Follow up by listening to excessive amounts of shitty American hardcore, and you'll have it nailed.

Don't forget the nail polish and eye shadow, mate.

I don't like their sound myself, for rhythm at least - but Alexi's solo sound is very nice, I'll say that much.

Oh, and I hate those fucking H4s on his signature guitar. Played one at Sam Ash for a short while on several amps (Krank before they told me it was too loud, Randall combo, Line 6, forget what else) and I just couldn't get it to sound right. Oh well.

cobhc said:
Yeah, but they also use a Boss SD-1 or the old Jackson JE-1000 pickup booster, to boost the Lee Jackson, as it does not have enough gain by itself, I have virtually the same setup as they do. I can get close to the Are You Dead Yet? tone, but it's really not worth it, it's not a great tone by any stretch of the imagination. If you wanna nail a good Children Of Bodom tone, try and nail the one on Hatebreeder or Follow The Reaper.

Edit: I also have settings for both the Preamp and Poweramp and Intellifex they use.

Sorry, that came out wrong. Their tone is quite expensive to nail and it isn't all that impressive to me. Boss SD-1 for like £75, Lee Jackson Preamp's go for £150 or so on ebay, Intellifex is about £100 and the VHT Poweramp's go for about £450. JCM900 cab £200, that's £975, you could get a 5150, Marshall V30 Cab and Maxon OD820 for that.
It's not really that expensive (if you take out the VHT). Actually, it would be pretty cheap if you used a Peavey Classic 50/50 (Hatecrew Deathroll). It wouldn't be as nice as the VHT, but close enough. AYDY has a really dirty vibe to it compared to their previous efforts, but I think a lot of that is due to the character of the bass. All the albums had a bit of overdrive on the bass, but this record takes it up a notch in that regard.

COBHC - how crucial is the intellifex to Alexi's sound? I have a GP1000, and it sounds pretty damn close to his tone without any chorus added, unless I was going for a Follow the Reaper tone when I would need some chorus. I think I might have asked you before in another thread a long time ago, but I don't recall getting an answer.