Children of Bodom - in your face guitar tone


May 20, 2006
Katy, Texas
on the intro of "in your face" theres like a metal ringing sound to the guitars i cant really explain it but for those of you who have heard the song im sure you know what im talking about..

anyways..any ideas on how they got it to sound like that?
bass is pretty loud in the mix on hatecrew deathroll but it's one of those great distorted bass tones that sits perfectly in with the guitar. production is great on their last few albums i think.:headbang:
Yeah i love the sound of their last two albums

here's a pic of their 2002 recordings session *lol*


That's how the Pros work...
that is great! just the sort of crap i've done before! i've had matresses wrapped around guitar cabs and all sorts, worked well tho!
cob drums sound v triggered tho so i wouldnt have thought they'de be so bothered to construct all that if it's all getting replaced anyway? crazy finns.