Chile Earthquake 2010 Triggers Hawaii Tsunami Warning

Earth was shaking like a motherfucker, loads of structural damage in the cities near the epicentre . But thanks god the numbers of deads is preety low ( not even 200 at this point) if you take in mind that it was an 8.8 Ritcher scale earthquake .
Any news about Hawaii?
sure, it was freaking long too . I hope this is the earthquake that all the experts told us that was about to happen anytime soon.
7 foot inland wave? thats not quite big right?
As I understood it, the dude said 7 foot high, 20 miles in. Like I said I don't this for sure. People get miss-informed all the time. I'd check the news but I don't have cable. ;)

From the twitter feed in the link I posted, I read "Exactly 45 minutes away when first wave to hit the Big Island. Stay tuned!" just now.

ok a little info:

Officials said the biggest problems are expected in enclosed bay areas in Hilo, Kahului and Haleiwa, where waves could reach 6 to 8 feet.

Waves are expected to be under 3 feet along other shorelines, said geophysicist Brian Shiro at the Tsunami Warning Center.

The sirens will sound regularly as the tsunami gets closer, he said.

"All of our predictions and models are suggesting the tsunami in Hawaii is going to be less than 3 feet," Shiro said. "That's not huge. But in places like Hilo Bay, Kahului, Haleiwa, the tsunami is going to probably get trapped and ... be as high as 6 to 8 feet."

Not just a wave, 8 foot of ocean. Wave after wave pushing junk around.

Earth was shaking like a motherfucker, loads of structural damage in the cities near the epicentre . But thanks god the numbers of deads is preety low ( not even 200 at this point) if you take in mind that it was an 8.8 Ritcher scale earthquake .
Any news about Hawaii?

214 deads so far - it was fucking scary