Chinchilla – The Last Millennium


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Chinchilla – The Last Millennium
Metalblade 2002
By Russell Garwood

German band Chinchilla released “The Last Millennium”, their fourth album, through Metalblade records. The power metal five-piece replaced original vocalist Martin Obermeier (of Letter X fame), with Thomas Laasch after the band’s second album “Horroscope”. Otherwise the line up has remained static, consisting of guitarist Ube Gerstenmeyer, Marc Peters on bass, drummer Steffen Theurer and Marc Steck on keyboards. Backing vocals are provided not only by the drummer and the bassist, but also by Andy B. Frank of Symphorce and Brainstorm fame, and Artur Diessner from Fuse. The music is catchy, compelling, light power metal, heavily influenced by the NWOBHM sound, with plentiful instrumentation and slightly raw but tuneful vox. The guitar work is accomplished and the drums, while straightforward, fit the music well.

After an atmospheric opener and title track, “War Machine” provides a catchy beginning and demonstrates the impressive guitars and vocals. “Demons We Call” is another memorable effort; the chorus’s vocal hooks are unforgettable while “Nighttrain Of Death” is a heavier encounter. Other standouts include the cheesy but cool “Victims Of The Night” and a classic cover of Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys Are Back In Town”. When on top form Chinchilla write amazingly catchy tunes and are a pleasure to listen to, and for much of “The Last Millenium” they play at their best. The high quality is unfortunately not consistent and several of the songs don’t live up to the band’s promise; while technically proficient they lack the qualities which make others standout. These tracks are relatively few and “The Last Millennium” is a must for all power metal fans. Others may not find this such a necessity…
Great album, but nothing more ...sounds like all others Chinchilla releases.