Chinese Democracy? when


Jun 18, 2006
Not that im much of a fan but does anyone know when its comming out after all 10 years in the making and as many £ its either going to be A the best thing ever or at least as good as Use your illusion or B total and utter C**p

what do you think
or does only the record company or Axle care

if i was the record co id have bailed years ago:cry:
I hope this garbage will never see the light of day. It doesn't matter how many glorious musicians are involved or if Axl hired 4657 intergalactic orchestras to play on the album. Guns'n'roses will always be a pulsating piece of shit.
who fucking cares? guns n roses has always been shit. i hope axl rose finds a new career selling hot-dogs in the corner. which is where he belongs
What a joke that "album" has become. My mate went to see them here in Melbourne for the "Chinese Democracy" tour, he has the ticket sitting on his desk, I always have a good laugh at it.
I hope this garbage will never see the light of day. It doesn't matter how many glorious musicians are involved or if Axl hired 4657 intergalactic orchestras to play on the album. Guns'n'roses will always be a pulsating piece of shit.

im going to have to agree, just because i feel that they are very overrated. i never saw the difference between them and every other shit hair metal-rock band.
What makes me lol the most about Axl's pathetic attitude is that he has been fooling his fans for fucking ever and doesn't give a single coherent explanation about the million years delay of this album's release. Fucking asshole.
im going to have to agree, just because i feel that they are very overrated. i never saw the difference between them and every other shit hair metal-rock band.

I think Appetite for Destruction was a good album, better than other shit hair metal-rock band, but their other production is sensless imo. Tho, I give 'em credit for creating that album. Only that.
well Dr. Pepper cant wait either.....

March 26, 2008 -- TIRED of a world in which Americans idolize wannabe singers, and where musicals about high school students pass as rock 'n' roll, Dr Pepper is begging Axl Rose to finally release this year his 17-years-in-the-making album, "Chinese Democracy." The soft drink company's incentive to Axl, the frontman of Guns N' Roses? If he ships the album in 2008, everyone in America - except estranged guitarists Slash and Buckethead - will receive a free can of Dr Pepper. "It took a little patience for us to perfect Dr Pepper's special mix of 23 ingredients, so we completely understand and empathize with Axl's question for the perfect album," said a company spokesperson. Dr Pepper is asking fans to lobby Axl to drop the album already.
I think Appetite for Destruction was a good album, better than other shit hair metal-rock band, but their other production is sensless imo. Tho, I give 'em credit for creating that album. Only that.

I must agree!! I think I was in 7th or 8th grade when Appetite came out, and I thought that was the most bad-ass shit since Puppets!! It was almost like a new sound back then, being just pissed off, "fuck you", dirty, balls-out hard rock. Although they may be overrated and Axl's a psychotic moron, you gotta give credit where credit's due. I still have to throw this in now and then.
Another thought came to mind, assuming axle has a good but standsrd record deal he supposidly got an advance (probably a large one say $10000000) then the record company have basically loaned him money in advance on the record sales from the album, ususally i believe that has to pay for the recording costs, band touring costs and premotional costs (well for record companys sake i hope its that way) so Axle has been waisting his money and when if ever this record comes out and anyone is left alive remotley interested in buying it Axle will only earn from the publishing rights and copyright fees and not from his share of the record sales until the advance (loan) has been paid. Then i expect he will be splitting from the record co because they havent paid him lmao, does anyone know what kind of deal it was and also if the record co execs who struck the deal have a job still.

just like to know i need something to have a good laugh at
